Kevin Spacey Opens Up About Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, and Sexual Assault Allegations: 'I Aim to Prove I'm a Man of Good Character'

Baltimore, Maryland, USA United States of America
Despite these challenges, Spacey remains optimistic about his future and hopes to continue working in Hollywood.
Kevin Spacey's Baltimore home is in foreclosure and will be sold at auction.
Spacey faced multiple sexual misconduct trials over the past few years, including allegations from actor Anthony Rapp.
Spacey's acting career took a significant hit after the accusations, leading to the termination of his deal with Netflix for the lead role in House of Cards.
Spacey's financial troubles come as he also faces a $31 million award to House of Cards producers for breaching his acting and producing agreements due to the claims that hastened the end of the show.
The actor maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.
Kevin Spacey Opens Up About Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, and Sexual Assault Allegations: 'I Aim to Prove I'm a Man of Good Character'

In a series of emotional interviews, actor Kevin Spacey opened up about the fallout from past sexual assault allegations and the financial struggles he now faces. In an interview with Piers Morgan on Fox News, Spacey revealed that his Baltimore home is in foreclosure and will be sold at auction.

Spacey's acting career took a significant hit after the accusations, leading to the termination of his deal with Netflix for the lead role in House of Cards. The actor maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.

Despite this, Spacey remains hopeful and has come out of all this not bitter or angry. He acknowledged having bouts with arrogance and ego in the past but now aims to prove that he is a man of good character.

Spacey faced multiple sexual misconduct trials over the past few years, including allegations from actor Anthony Rapp that Spacey picked him up and climbed on top of him when he was 14. A jury found Spacey not liable in the lawsuit brought by Rapp. However, he will face a civil trial in the UK next year after being sued by another man who alleges sexual assault.

Spacey's financial troubles come as he also faces a $31 million award to House of Cards producers for breaching his acting and producing agreements due to the claims that hastened the end of the show.

Despite these challenges, Spacey remains optimistic about his future and hopes to continue working in Hollywood.



  • Are there any ongoing legal cases related to the sexual misconduct allegations?
  • How will the civil trial in the UK impact Spacey's reputation and career?
  • Is Spacey's financial situation truly as dire as he claims?



  • Unique Points
    • Kevin Spacey is essentially broke and facing foreclosure on his Baltimore home.
    • Spacey's acting career took a significant hit after the accusations, with his deal with Netflix for the lead role in House of Cards being terminated.
  • Accuracy
    • Kevin Spacey owes 'many millions' of dollars in legal fees.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position. The author quotes Spacey admitting to financial ruin and foreclosure on his home, but does not mention any context or reasons for these events. Additionally, the article implies that Spacey's legal bills are a significant contributor to his financial troubles, but the exact amount is not disclosed and no sources are cited.
    • Spacey replied, Many millions.
    • The interview culminated with Spacey disclosing that he’s essentially in financial ruin, with his Baltimore home about to be foreclosed on seven years after he was accused of misconduct and abuse by multiple men in 2017.
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (95%)
    The author expresses sympathy towards Kevin Spacey and provides detailed descriptions of his financial struggles and personal life. The author also questions the motives of those accusing Spacey in a new documentary without providing any evidence to support this claim.
    • ]I don't know why Channel 4 has not yet told the British public if they pay these individuals to tell these stories[
      • The actor, who in the documentary is accused by a House of Cards security team member and a former Marine who worked with Spacey on a film of making sexual advances toward them, also produced email correspondences with these two men that he said occurred well after the alleged incidents took place
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Actor Kevin Spacey got emotional in an interview with Piers Morgan about the fallout to his career and personal life from past sexual assault allegations.
      • Accuracy
        • Kevin Spacey is essentially broke and facing foreclosure on his Baltimore home.
        • Spacey maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Kevin Spacey owes 'many millions' of dollars in legal fees.
        • Spacey has no permanent home and barely any money left.
      • Accuracy
        • Spacey's house is being foreclosed on and he has to put his things in storage.
        • Spacey was fired from 'House of Cards' due to alleged sexually inappropriate behavior on set.
      • Deception (0%)
        The author, Zack Sharf, uses emotional manipulation by sharing Spacey's tears and his statement about not having a permanent home or money left. He also uses sensationalism by implying that Spacey is facing bankruptcy and may be homeless.
        • It's funny you ask that question because this week, where I have been living in Baltimore is being foreclosed on. My house is being sold at auction, so I have to go back to Baltimore and put my things in storage.
        • More tears followed when Spacey was asked if he is facing bankruptcy, to which he answered: 'There's been a couple of times when I thought I was going to file but we’ve managed to dodge it, at least as of today.'
        • The house itself is many millions.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The author makes an appeal to authority by quoting Sharon Stone and Liam Neeson expressing their support for Kevin Spacey's return to acting. This does not constitute a fallacy on its own, but it lowers the score due to the potential for bias.
        • Sharon Stone: 'I can’t wait to see Kevin back at work. He is a genius.'
        • Liam Neeson: 'Kevin is a good man and a man of character. He’s sensitive, articulate and non-judgmental, with a terrific sense of humor. He is also one of our finest artists in the theatre and on camera.'
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Kevin Spacey gave his first lengthy interview since winning most of the sexual misconduct suits against him over the past several years on Piers Morgan Uncensored.
        • Spacey's home in Baltimore is in foreclosure and would be auctioned at a fire sale.
        • Spacey maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.
        • Actor Anthony Rapp alleged that Spacey physically picked him up in 1986 when he was 14, placed him on a bed, and climbed on top of him in an attempt to initiate sex. A jury found Spacey not liable in a sexual misconduct lawsuit brought by Rapp.
        • Spacey will face a civil trial in the UK next year after being sued by a man who alleges the actor sexually assaulted him.
        • A two-part documentary, Spacey Unmasked, examines Spacey’s alleged sexual misconduct including a claim that he allegedly groped another House of Cards actor on set.
        • Spacey said he has come out of all this not bitter, not angry, not resentful.
        • Spacey acknowledged having bouts with arrogance and ego in the past.
      • Accuracy
        • Kevin Spacey is essentially broke and facing foreclosure on his Baltimore home.
        • Kevin Spacey maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.
        • Spacey's acting career took a significant hit after the accusations, with his deal with Netflix for the lead role in House of Cards being terminated.
      • Deception (70%)
        The article contains selective reporting as the author only reports details that support Spacey's position. For example, the author mentions that a jury found Spacey not liable in a sexual misconduct lawsuit brought by Rapp but fails to mention that Rapp's allegations were among several that made Spacey an early focus of the #MeToo movement and led to his being found not guilty on nine charges at London's Southwark Crown Court. The author also quotes Spacey's statement about forgiveness towards Rapp without mentioning the controversy surrounding the allegations or that a civil trial is upcoming against Spacey in the UK. Additionally, there is emotional manipulation as the article portrays Spacey as a victim who has suffered financially and emotionally due to false accusations.
        • The jury found him not liable in a 2022 sexual misconduct lawsuit brought by Rapp.
        • Asked about his character flaws, Spacey replied, 'There were bouts with arrogance. There were bouts with ego...My goal is now to prove that I am a man of good character.'
        • Spacey choked up as he said his home in Baltimore is in foreclosure and would be auctioned at a fire sale. 'I'm not quite sure where I'm going to live now,' said Spacey, who also maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.
      • Fallacies (85%)
        Tom Tapp uses an appeal to emotion when reporting Spacey's emotional state and financial struggles. He also makes a dichotomous depiction by describing Spacey as being in a 'very, very dark place' before the allegations and now 'not bitter, not angry, not resentful'.
        • “I have nothing to hide and I want to live a more open life than the one that I did,” said Kevin Spacey in his first lengthy interview since winning most of the sexual misconduct suits against him over the past several years.
        • “I’m not quite sure where I’m going to live now,” said Spacey, who also maintains that he is broke and still owes millions in legal fees.
        • “I hope that someday Anthony Rapp may accept that he had a faulty memory.”
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Kevin Spacey is facing 'considerable debt'.
        • He revealed that his longtime home in Baltimore is facing foreclosure and will be 'sold at auction'.
      • Accuracy
        • Spacey stated that he has 'many millions' in debt but did not disclose a specific amount.
        • Despite numerous allegations against him, Spacey has maintained his innocence and denied some fresh accusations in a recent Channel 4 documentary.
      • Deception (30%)
        The author makes several statements that are not factual and could be considered emotional manipulation and sensationalism. The title itself is sensational, implying that Kevin Spacey is facing 'millions' in debt and foreclosure on his home. However, the article does not provide any specific amount of debt or evidence of a foreclosure. Additionally, the author quotes Spacey stating 'I can't pay the bills that I owe.' This statement could be considered emotional manipulation as it elicits sympathy from readers without providing any concrete evidence or facts to support it. The author also states 'He revealed that his longtime home in Baltimore is facing foreclosure and will be ‘sold at auction.’' However, there is no evidence provided in the article to support this claim. Lastly, the author quotes Spacey stating 'I still owe a lot of legal bills.' This statement could be considered selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position without providing any context or balance.
        • I still owe a lot of legal bills.
        • He revealed that his longtime home in Baltimore is facing foreclosure and will be ‘sold at auction.’
        • Seven years after he was accused of sexual assault by multiple people, the embattled actor revealed that is far from the case. Spacey, hoping to jump-start his screen career, revealed in a recent interview that he is facing ‘considerable’ debt.
      • Fallacies (80%)
        The author makes an appeal to pity when describing Kevin Spacey's financial situation without providing any evidence or context. The statement 'He revealed that his longtime home in Baltimore is facing foreclosure and will be ‘sold at auction.’ He added that he’s unsure where he will stay next and said he needs to put his belongings in storage.' implies an appeal to pity, as the author is describing Spacey's situation as unfortunate without providing any context or evidence. Additionally, the author quotes Spacey saying 'I can’t pay the bills that I owe.' and 'None.', which are statements of fact but do not constitute fallacies on their own.
        • He revealed that his longtime home in Baltimore is facing foreclosure and will be ‘sold at auction.’ He added that he’s unsure where he will stay next and said he needs to put his belongings in storage.
      • Bias (95%)
        The author expresses a clear disproportionate focus on Kevin Spacey's financial situation and his debt, which could be seen as an attempt to sensationalize the article and potentially elicit negative emotions from readers. The author also uses language that may be perceived as demeaning or judgmental when describing Spacey's past behavior as 'bad' and 'pushing the boundaries'.
        • He refuted the idea he groped other people by clarifying that he was ‘gentle’ and ‘caressed’ them instead.
          • He revealed that his longtime home in Baltimore is facing foreclosure and will be ‘sold at auction.’ He added that he’s unsure where he will stay next and said he needs to put his belongings in storage.
            • The author's use of the phrase 'bad behavior' to describe Spacey's actions could be perceived as biased.
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication