Major Democratic Donors Call for Joe Biden to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

New York, New York, New York United States of America
Abigail Disney, a major Democratic donor and heiress to the Disney family fortune, announced she would withhold donations unless Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
Biden's campaign held a call with top Democratic donors, promising to make him more visible at town halls and through interviews to reassure the public.
Disney suggested Vice President Kamala Harris as an alternative candidate.
Gideon Stein and Karla Jurvetson, major Democratic donors, hinted at pausing donations until Biden steps down.
Rep. Lloyd Doggett called on Biden to drop out of the race, suggesting he was incapable of taking on Donald Trump.
Major Democratic Donors Call for Joe Biden to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

President Joe Biden's dismal performance in the first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump has led to growing calls for him to step down from the race. Some major Democratic donors, including Abigail Disney, heiress to the Disney family fortune, have announced they will withhold donations until Biden drops out. The pressure on Biden comes as Democrats worry about his ability to take on Trump and overcome his distance in the polls.

Disney is not alone in her criticism of Biden's debate performance. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) has called for Biden to drop out, suggesting that he is incapable of defeating Trump. Some donors are even looking to alternative candidates, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, to lead the party in the November election.

Despite these calls for him to step aside, Biden's campaign team has promised to make him more visible at town halls and through interviews to reassure the public. However, some donors remain skeptical and are withholding their support until a change is made at the top of the ticket.

The debate performance was widely panned by both Democrats and Republicans alike, with many commentators noting that Biden appeared disengaged and struggled to keep up with Trump's attacks. The campaign has acknowledged that it was a bad showing but has not indicated that Biden will be stepping down anytime soon.

Here are the facts from various sources:

  • Abigail Disney, heiress to the Disney family fortune and major Democratic donor, announced she would withhold donations unless Joe Biden dropped out of the race (The Guardian).
  • Disney suggested vice-president Kamala Harris as an alternative candidate to beat Trump (Yahoo News).
  • Biden's campaign held a call with hundreds of top Democratic donors, promising to make the president more visible at town halls and through interviews to reassure the public (The Guardian).
  • Rep. Lloyd Doggett called on Biden to drop out of the race, suggesting that his debate performance proved to voters that he is incapable of taking on Donald Trump and unable to overcome his distance in the polls (Yahoo News).
  • Gideon Stein, philanthropist, and Karla Jurvetson, a major Democratic donor, have hinted at pausing donations until Biden steps down (Yahoo News).

Sources: The Guardian: Yahoo News: CNBC:



  • It's unclear if other major Democratic donors besides those mentioned in the article share the same sentiment.
  • The article does not provide any concrete evidence that Biden will definitely step down.



  • Unique Points
    • A group of Democratic donors is urging President Biden to withdraw from the race for re-election.
    • They are trying to raise up to $100 million for a PAC that could be used to support a replacement candidate if Biden does not step down.
    • Some donors are threatening to withhold contributions from the Democratic Party and other groups unless Biden bows out.
  • Accuracy
    • Abigail Disney announced she would withhold donations unless Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
    • Disney suggested vice-president Kamala Harris as an alternative candidate to beat Trump.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the authors' position about wealthy donors trying to pressure President Biden to step aside from the race. The article does not provide any counter-arguments or evidence that contradicts this narrative. Additionally, there is a lie by omission as the article fails to mention that these donors have not yet succeeded in their efforts and President Biden has publicly stated that he will not be stepping down.
    • A small but vocal faction of Democratic Party donors is urging President Biden to withdraw from the race, but he has said that he will not be pushed out.
    • Supporters of potential replacements like Vice President Kamala Harris are jockeying to position their preferred successor.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several instances of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The authors state that 'many wealthy Democratic donors are trying to take matters into their own hands' and 'a small but vocal faction of Democratic Party donors is urging President Biden to withdraw from the race.' These statements imply that the actions and opinions of these donors carry significant weight, making it an appeal to authority. Additionally, the authors use inflammatory language such as 'remarkable and growing rift' and 'pressure Mr. Biden to step down from the top of the ticket.' These phrases are used to elicit strong emotions from readers and can be considered inflammatory rhetoric.
    • many wealthy Democratic donors are trying to take matters into their own hands
    • a small but vocal faction of Democratic Party donors is urging President Biden to withdraw from the race
    • remarkable and growing rift
    • pressure Mr. Biden to step down from the top of the ticket
  • Bias (80%)
    The article demonstrates a clear bias towards the perspective of Democratic donors who are urging President Biden to step down from the race. The author repeatedly mentions their efforts to pressure Biden and their concerns about his ability to win in November. The article also implies that these donors have significant influence over the outcome of the election, suggesting that they hold a disproportionate amount of power.
    • A small but vocal faction of Democratic Party donors is urging President Biden to withdraw from the race
      • Other donors are threatening to withhold contributions not only from Mr. Biden but also from other Democratic groups unless Mr. Biden bows out
        • Supporters of potential replacements like Vice President Kamala Harris are jockeying to position their preferred successor
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Abigail Disney, heir to the Disney family fortune and major Democratic donor, announced she would withhold donations unless Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
          • Disney suggested vice-president Kamala Harris as an alternative candidate to beat Trump.
          • Biden’s campaign held a call with hundreds of top Democratic donors, promising to make the president more visible at town halls and through interviews to reassure the public.
        • Accuracy
          • Abigail Disney announced she would withhold donations unless Joe Biden dropped out of the race.
          • Biden's campaign held a call with hundreds of top Democratic donors, promising to make the president more visible at town halls and through interviews to reassure the public.
          • Three House Democrats have called for Biden to step aside since Tuesday.
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains selective reporting as it only reports on donors who have announced they will withhold funding from Biden and does not mention any donors who have pledged their continued support. The author also makes editorializing statements such as 'a deep, wide and aggressive panic set in among Democrats' and 'if Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose.' These statements are the author's opinions and do not provide factual information.
          • According to CNBC, philanthropist Gideon Stein will pause almost all of a planned $3m in planned donations.
          • A week on, and Biden has said he isn’t going anywhere, but a trickle of major Democratic donors speaking out against the president has grown into a stream.
          • Despite their reassurances, the campaign was reportedly forced to field ‘pointed’ questions from donors, including ‘can the president make it through a campaign and another term?’
          • Disney represents a minority of donors, but within Biden’s campaign, a clear and concerted effort to tamp down panic among campaign funders is under way.
          • The Biden campaign is eager to show its fundraising strength is holding up after the debate and have highlighted record ‘grassroots’ fundraising in the days that followed the event.
        • Fallacies (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Bias (90%)
          The author expresses a clear bias towards the idea that Biden should step down as the Democratic candidate and be replaced by someone else, specifically Kamala Harris. The author quotes Abigail Disney making this statement and also mentions other donors who have taken similar actions. The author does not provide any counterarguments or evidence to support Biden's continued candidacy.
          • According to CNBC, philanthropist Gideon Stein will pause almost all of a planned $3m in planned donations.
            • If Democrats would tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings even one tenth as much as they have tolerated Biden’s ... we can win this election by a lot.
              • Reed Hastings, the co-founder of Netflix and a Democratic party megadonor, joined calls for Biden to take himself out of the presidential race.
                • This is realism, not disrespect.
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • A Disney heiress, Abigail Disney, intends to stop donating to the Democratic Party unless President Biden drops out of the 2024 race.
                  • Disney is a longtime Democratic donor, contributing nearly $2 million since 1992. She has donated $63,000 during this election cycle and $343,460 during the previous one.
                • Accuracy
                  • Abigail Disney stated that if Biden does not step down, the Democrats will lose and the consequences would be dire.
                  • Biden’s campaign held a call with hundreds of top Democratic donors, promising to make the president more visible at town halls and through interviews to reassure the public.
                • Deception (10%)
                  The author makes editorializing statements and expresses her opinion that Biden should drop out of the 2024 race based on his debate performance. She also implies that the consequences of a Democratic loss with Biden as their candidate would be 'genuinely dire'. These statements are emotional manipulation and sensationalism.
                  • If Biden does not step down, the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire.
                  • Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high.
                  • I intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket.
                  • We have an excellent Vice President. If Democrats could tolerate any of her perceived shortcomings even one tenth as much as they have tolerated Biden's (and let's not kid ourselves about where race and gender figure in that inequity) and if Democrats can find a way to stop quibbling and rally around her, we can win this election by a lot.
                • Fallacies (95%)
                  The author is expressing her opinion about the performance of President Biden in a debate and her belief that he should step down from the Democratic ticket. She is not committing any formal or informal fallacies in her statements. However, she is making an appeal to authority by stating that if Biden does not step down, the Democrats will lose and the consequences will be dire. This statement is based on her personal observation and belief, but it does not provide any evidence or logical reasoning to support this claim.
                  • “I intend to stop any contributions to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket. This is realism, not disrespect. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high,”
                  • “If Biden does not step down, the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire,”
                • Bias (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, is urging President Biden to step down from the presidential race and stop funding the Democratic Party until he does.
                  • , Abigail Disney plans to withhold donations to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket.
                  • , Rep. Lloyd Doggett called on Biden to drop out of the race, suggesting that his debate performance proved to voters that he is incapable of taking on Donald Trump and unable to overcome his distance in the polls.
                  • , Abigail Disney suggested vice-president Kamala Harris as a potential alternative candidate to defeat Trump.
                  • , Gideon Stein, the president of the Moriah Fund, announced he is pausing planned donations until Biden steps down.
                  • , Karla Jurvetson, a philanthropist and major Democratic donor, has hinted at pausing donations until Biden steps down.
                • Accuracy
                  • President Joe Biden is facing pressure from some of his own party’s wealthy donors, including Abigail Disney, to stop funding the Democratic Party until Biden drops out of the presidential race.
                  • Abigail Disney has stated that she plans to withhold donations to the party unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket.
                  • Rep. Lloyd Doggett called on Biden to drop out of the race, suggesting that his debate performance proved to voters that he is incapable of taking on Donald Trump and unable to overcome his distance in the polls.
                  • Vice President Kamala Harris has been suggested as a potential alternative to Biden by Abigail Disney, who believes she could defeat Trump.
                  • Gideon Stein, the president of the Moriah Fund, announced he is pausing planned donations of $3.5 million earmarked for nonprofits and political organizations aligned with the presidential race until Biden steps down.
                • Deception (0%)
                  The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the author's position of wealthy Democratic donors wanting Biden to drop out. The author also makes editorializing statements such as 'the stakes are far too high' and 'Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are far too high.' These statements imply the author's opinion on the matter.
                  • Abigail Disney plans to withhold donations to the party she has funded for years until Biden drops out.
                  • Disney pointed to Vice President Kamala Harris as a solid alternative to Biden, arguing she'd be able to defeat Trump.
                  • Representatives for the Biden campaign did not return requests for comment.
                • Fallacies (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Bias (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication