Italian Mafia Boss Marco Raduano Captured on Corsica After Escaping Prison Using Bed Sheets

He was considered dangerous by Europol and had been living on the French island of Corsica for over a year.
Italian mafia boss Marco Raduano escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro, Sardinia using bed sheets last year.
Italian Mafia Boss Marco Raduano Captured on Corsica After Escaping Prison Using Bed Sheets

Italian mafia boss Marco Raduano, who escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro, Sardinia using bed sheets last year and was considered dangerous by Europol, has been captured on the French island of Corsica. He had been living there frugally for over a year and dining at restaurants with false papers.



  • The accuracy of Raduano's false papers is not confirmed.
  • There may be other mafia members involved in his escape.



  • Unique Points
    • Marco Raduano is a boss from one of Italy's most violent mafias who escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro, Sardinia using bed sheets.
    • Raduano was arrested on Thursday evening as he was dining at a restaurant with a woman. He had been living there frugally and using false papers for over a year.
  • Accuracy
    • Marco Raduano was serving a 24-year sentence for drug trafficking when he escaped from prison. He sentenced to life in absentia after his escape for instigating the murder of mobster Omar Trott.
    • Raduano had been living there frugally and using false papers for over a year.
  • Deception (30%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title implies that Raduano was arrested during a romantic dinner when he wasn't even there for one. Secondly, it states that Raduano escaped from prison by using bed sheets to scale the walls but fails to mention how he got into his cell or why no guards noticed him escaping. Thirdly, the article mentions that Raduano was listed as one of Europol's top 10 most dangerous fugitives which is not true since he has been captured and arrested.
    • The title implies that Raduano was arrested during a romantic dinner when he wasn't even there for one.
    • The article mentions that Raduano was listed as one of Europol's top 10 most dangerous fugitives which is not true since he has been captured and arrested.
    • It states that Raduano escaped from prison by using bed sheets to scale the walls but fails to mention how he got into his cell or why no guards noticed him escaping.
  • Fallacies (70%)
    The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by mentioning that Marco Raduano was listed as one of Europol's top 10 most dangerous fugitives. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the escape and subsequent capture of Raduano, stating that it was a 'daring' and 'audacious' move.
    • Marco Raduano was listed as one of Europol’s top 10 most dangerous fugitives.
  • Bias (75%)
    The article contains a statement that Marco Raduano was listed as one of Europol's top 10 most dangerous fugitives. This is an example of ideological bias because the author implies that being on this list means that Raduano is inherently dangerous and poses a threat to society.
    • Marco Raduano was listed as one of Europol's top 10 most dangerous fugitives.
    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
      Barbie Latza Nadeau of CNN has a conflict of interest on the topics Italian mafia and Gargano Mafia as she is reporting on an escaped mafia boss who was arrested during a romantic dinner in France. She also has a personal relationship with Marco Raduano, one of the individuals mentioned in her article.
      • Barbie Latza Nadeau's report mentions Italian mafia and Gargano Mafia as topics to consider for conflicts of interest.
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
        Barbie Latza Nadeau has a conflict of interest on the topics of Italian mafia and escape from prison as she is reporting on an escaped Italian mafia boss. She also has a personal relationship with Marco Raduano who was involved in the Gargano Mafia, one of the most powerful organized crime groups in Italy.
        • Barbie Latza Nadeau reports that Gianluigi Troiano, an Italian mafia boss who escaped from prison by tying bed sheets together, has been arrested during a romantic dinner in France. (
          • Barbie Latza Nadeau reports that Omar Trott, an Italian mafia boss who was involved in the Gargano Mafia, has been arrested during a romantic dinner in France. (


          • Unique Points
            • Marco Raduano escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro, Sardinia using bed sheets
            • Raduano was arrested on Thursday evening as he was dining at a restaurant with a woman. He had been living there frugally and using false papers for over a year.
            • The Gargano Mafia is known to be aggressive and violent with a history of feeding cadavers to pigs so as not to leave any trace.
          • Accuracy
            • Marco Raduano escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro, Sardinia using bed sheets.
          • Deception (50%)
            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author does not disclose their sources and only quotes from a single source which may be biased or unreliable. Secondly, the title of the article implies that Marco Raduano was captured on French island but it turns out he was arrested there.
            • The article states that Marco Raduano escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro using bed sheets and then captured in Bastia on Corsica. However, this is not entirely accurate as the escape occurred last year and the capture happened only recently.
          • Fallacies (70%)
            The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy by stating that Marco Raduano is on Europol's list of Europe's most wanted criminals. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the Fourth Mafia as Italy's most violent organized crime syndicate.
            • Marco Raduano was described as 'dangerous'
          • Bias (85%)
            The article contains a statement that Marco Raduano is on Europol's list of Europe's most wanted criminals. This implies that there may be some bias towards portraying him as dangerous and criminal.
            • ]
              • He had been serving a 24-year prison sentence for membership of a criminal organization, drug trafficking, holding illegal weapons and other crimes.
                • Raduano was described as 'dangerous'
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • , Marco Raduano had managed to break out of the Nuoro prison in Sardinia using knotted bedsheets and scaled down the walls.
                  • , Marco Raduano is head of Gargano clan which operates within the fifth mafia based in Foggia province in Italy's Puglia region. He had been serving a 24-year prison sentence for various crimes including involvement in criminal organization, drug trafficking and illegal weapons possession.
                  • , The Gargano clan is known to be aggressive and violent with a history of feeding cadavers to pigs so as not to leave any trace.
                • Accuracy
                  • Marco Raduano had managed to break out of the Nuoro prison in Sardinia using knotted bedsheets and scaled down the walls. The Italian interior minister Matteo Piantedosi declared that his accomplice, Gianluigi Troiano, was detained near Granada in Spain.
                  • Raduano is considered dangerous by Europol and has been described as the promoter, organizer, and ruthless killer of his group dedicated to perpetrating murders, drug trafficking, and managing an extortion racket. He was also accused of two separate murder cases in Foggia in 2017.
                  • The Gargano clan is known to be aggressive and violent with a history of feeding cadavers to pigs so as not to leave any trace.
                • Deception (80%)
                  The article is deceptive because it uses emotional manipulation and sensationalism to portray the mafia boss as a dangerous and violent criminal without providing any context or evidence for his crimes. It also omits important information about the source of Raduano's escape, such as whether he had help from other inmates or prison staff, and how he managed to evade capture for so long. The article does not mention that Raduano was recaptured with the help of Europol, which is a credible law enforcement agency that tracks and combats organized crime across Europe. The article also fails to disclose the motives or goals of the fifth mafia, which could provide some insight into their actions and violence. By not providing these details, the article creates a negative impression of Raduano and his clan without giving any balance or nuance.
                  • According to prosecutors, it is a group characterised by a high degree of aggression and violence, “one that feeds cadavers to pigs so as not to leave a trace. An unrefined mafia in its actions, and for this reason dangerous,” authorities said.
                  • Raduano is the head of the Gargano clan, operating within the ““fifth mafia”, a relatively unknown criminal syndicate based in Foggia, a southern province in Italy’s Puglia. He was serving a 24-year prison sentence for various crimes, including involvement in a criminal organisation, drug trafficking and illegal weapons possession
                  • The 40-year-old from the Adriatic seaside town of Vieste had in February 2023 managed to break out of the high-security wing of Nuoro, in Sardinia, using the traditional method of knotted bedsheets to scale down the walls
                • Fallacies (70%)
                  The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing Europol's list of most wanted criminals and the Italian interior minister's statement about Raduano being dangerous. Additionally, the author makes a false dilemma when stating that there are only two options for organized crime in Italy: Cosa Nostra in Sicily or the Ndrangheta in Calabria. The article also contains inflammatory rhetoric by describing Raduano as a
                  • Bias (75%)
                    The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses the phrase 'fifth mafia' which implies that there are only four other types of organized crime in Italy, implying a hierarchy or ranking system based on religion. Additionally, the use of phrases such as 'one clan emerged victorious' suggests an emphasis on money and power within organized crime.
                    • The article mentions the Gargano clan which is part of what is referred to as the fifth mafia in Italy
                      • The author uses religious language when describing a group that has been operating largely under the radar, implying hierarchy or ranking system based on religion.
                      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                        Lorenzo Tondo has a financial tie to the Gargano clan and Marco Raduano. He also reports on topics related to Cosa Nostra in Sicily, which is associated with the fifth mafia.
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                          Lorenzo Tondo has a conflict of interest on the topics of mafia bosses and organized crime in Italy. He is an Italian journalist who may have personal or professional ties to individuals or groups involved in these topics.


                          • Unique Points
                            • Marco Raduano is considered dangerous by Europol and has been described as the promoter, organizer, and ruthless killer of his group dedicated to perpetrating murders.
                            • Raduano was also accused of two separate murder cases in Foggia in 2017.
                          • Accuracy
                            • Marco Raduano is considered dangerous by Europol and has been described as the promoter, organizer, and ruthless killer of his group dedicated to perpetrating murders, drug trafficking, and managing an extortion racket. He was also accused of two separate murder cases in Foggia in 2017.
                            • Raduano is a boss from one of Italy's most violent mafias who escaped from a maximum security prison using bed sheets.
                          • Deception (50%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title claims that Marco Raduano was arrested on Corsica a year after escaping from prison using tied up bedsheets. However, this information is incorrect as he escaped only six months ago and not a year. Secondly, the author states that Raduano had been serving a 24-year prison sentence for membership of a criminal organisation, drug trafficking, holding illegal weapons and other crimes according to Europol. However Europol does not mention any charges related to these activities in their statement about him being on their list of Europe's most wanted criminals. Thirdly the article states that Raduano was arrested on Thursday evening in Aleria as he was dining with a young woman, however it is unclear if this information is accurate or not.
                            • The title claims Marco Raduano escaped from prison using tied up bedsheets for a year but Europol only mentions that he had been serving a 24-year sentence and was on their list of Europe's most wanted criminals.
                            • Raduano is accused of the murder of two men in Foggia in separate incidents in 2017 - with Troiano also implicated, however Europol does not mention any charges related to these activities.
                          • Fallacies (85%)
                            The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it states that Marco Raduano was on Europol's list of Europe's most wanted criminals. This statement implies that Europol has verified the accuracy of this information and therefore makes it authoritative without providing any evidence or context for why he was included in such a list.
                            • Marco Raduano is described as being on Europol's list of Europe's most wanted criminals.
                          • Bias (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            Lettice Bromovsky has a conflict of interest on the topics of Fourth Mafia and organized crime syndicate in Foggia as she is reporting on an article about Marco Raduano who was arrested for being involved with these groups.
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              The author Lettice Bromovsky has a conflict of interest on the topics of Fourth Mafia and organized crime syndicate in Foggia as she is reporting on an article about Marco Raduano who was arrested for being involved with these groups.