Barbie Latza

Barbie Latza is a freelance journalist and writer based in New York. She has written for various publications on topics ranging from politics to pop culture. Her work often focuses on the intersection of power and identity, as well as the role of media in shaping public perception.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The article uses sensational language to attract readers, such as

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article cites Europol as a credible source without providing any evidence or context for their claim that Raduano is one of their top 10 most dangerous fugitives.
  • The article does not mention any conflicts of interest that the author may have with the subject matter.







Recent Articles

Amanda Knox's Apology for False Accusation Against Patrick Lumumba Doesn't Prevent Italian Court from Upholding Slander Conviction

Amanda Knox's Apology for False Accusation Against Patrick Lumumba Doesn't Prevent Italian Court from Upholding Slander Conviction

Broke On: Wednesday, 05 June 2024 Amanda Knox faced a hearing in 2024 for her slander conviction related to a false accusation in 2007 that led to Patrick Lumumba's imprisonment. Despite being exonerated of murder, she was found guilty of slander and served the already completed sentence. The case highlights issues within the Italian justice system.
Amanda Knox's Apology for False Accusation Against Patrick Lumumba Doesn't Prevent Italian Court from Upholding Slander Conviction

Amanda Knox's Apology for False Accusation Against Patrick Lumumba Doesn't Prevent Italian Court from Upholding Slander Conviction

Broke On: Wednesday, 05 June 2024 Amanda Knox faced a hearing in 2024 for her slander conviction related to a false accusation in 2007 that led to Patrick Lumumba's imprisonment. Despite being exonerated of murder, she was found guilty of slander and served the already completed sentence. The case highlights issues within the Italian justice system.
Italian Mafia Boss Marco Raduano Captured on Corsica After Escaping Prison Using Bed Sheets

Italian Mafia Boss Marco Raduano Captured on Corsica After Escaping Prison Using Bed Sheets

Broke On: Saturday, 03 February 2024 Italian mafia boss Marco Raduano, who escaped from a maximum security prison in Nuoro using bed sheets and was considered dangerous by Europol, has been captured on the French island of Corsica. He had been living there frugally for over a year and dining at restaurants with false papers.