Lawsuit Filed Against Northwestern University for Discriminatory Faculty Hiring Practices and Law Review Selection Process

Evanston, Chicago, Illinois, United States United States of America
America First Legal and co-counsel filed a lawsuit against Northwestern University for alleged discrimination against white men in faculty hiring at the law school.
Northwestern University receives federal funding and must follow national civil-rights laws, but allegedly hired faculty candidates from preferred demographics while rejecting white men with superior publication records and more impressive credentials.
Since 2012, under the leadership of Dean Daniel Rodriguez, Northwestern University's law school has implemented a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible.
The complaint also targets the Northwestern University Law Review for discriminatory practices when selecting articles, editors, and members.
The lawsuit seeks to hold Northwestern accountable for its actions and ensure equality in faculty hiring practices.
The Northwestern University Law Review engages in race and sex discrimination by giving discriminatory preferences to women, racial minorities, homosexuals, and transgender individuals when selecting its articles, editors, and members.
Lawsuit Filed Against Northwestern University for Discriminatory Faculty Hiring Practices and Law Review Selection Process

In a significant legal development, America First Legal (AFL) and co-counsel have filed a lawsuit against Northwestern University for alleged discrimination against white men in faculty hiring at the university's law school. The complaint also targets the Northwestern University Law Review for discriminatory practices when selecting articles, editors, and members.

The lawsuit alleges that since 2012, under the leadership of Dean Daniel Rodriguez, Northwestern University's law school has implemented a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible. This discriminatory hiring edict is considered an act of discrimination against white men.

Northwestern University receives federal funding and must follow national civil-rights laws, explicitly disavowing all race and sex preferences when hiring faculty. However, the lawsuit claims that Northwestern's law school has hired faculty candidates from preferred demographics while rejecting white men with superior publication records and more impressive credentials.

The Northwestern University Law Review also engages in race and sex discrimination by giving discriminatory preferences to women, racial minorities, homosexuals, and transgender individuals when selecting its articles, editors, and members. This practice is a violation of federal law prohibiting universities that accept federal funds from discriminating on account of race or sex.

The lawsuit seeks to hold Northwestern accountable for its actions and ensure equality in faculty hiring practices. The case is expected to be the first in a series of legal challenges against universities that refuse to implement colorblind and sex-neutral hiring practices.

Statement from Judd Stone, Partner of Stone Hilton PLLC:

'Race and sex discrimination are illegal even when they are popular. Educational institutions acting under the banner of 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' cannot avoid the consequences of their lawlessness. We will pursue prominent universities and law schools in court until they finally end their odious race- and sex-based discrimination.'

Statement from Jonathan F. Mitchell, lead counsel:

'This is the first of many lawsuits that will be filed against universities that refuse to implement colorblind and sex-neutral faculty-hiring practices. Our client has standing to sue any university we want, and any professor who has incriminating evidence should reach out to us.'

Statement from Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Executive Director:

'Federal law prohibits discriminating against any American citizen on the basis of race or sex—yet the pervasiveness and extent of such discrimination is the worst-kept secret in academia. No one should receive an advantage because of their immutable characteristics, and no one should be disadvantaged. Decisions need to be made based on merit and excellence alone, and we will fight for the rights of all Americans to be free from race and sex discrimination in the United States.'



  • Are there specific examples of white men with superior publication records and more impressive credentials being rejected in favor of less qualified candidates from preferred demographics?
  • Is there concrete evidence that Dean Daniel Rodriguez issued a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible?



  • Unique Points
    • A lawsuit was filed against Northwestern’s law school alleging discriminatory hiring practices against White men in violation of federal anti-discrimination laws.
    • The complaint targets Northwestern’s law school and accuses it of hiring less-qualified people of color and women over White men for faculty positions.
    • Three White men were named in the lawsuit as examples of those not hired despite strong qualifications.
    • Four Black women and one Black man were named as examples of those offered faculty positions because of their race and/or gender.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The authors only report details that support the allegations made in the lawsuit, while omitting important context about the lawsuit itself and Northwestern University's response. Additionally, the authors use emotionally charged language to describe the allegations, such as 'sweeping criticism of American universities,' 'decades of left-wing faculty and administrators thumbing their noses at federal anti-discrimination statutes,' and 'absolutely racist garbage.'
    • They do this by hiring women and racial minorities with mediocre and undistinguished records over white men who have better credentials, better scholarship, and better teaching ability.
    • The complaint, brought by a group called Faculty, Alumni and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences, targets Northwestern’s law school.
    • This is absolute racist garbage.
    • For decades, left-wing faculty and administrators have been thumbing their noses at federal anti-discrimination statutes.
  • Fallacies (80%)
    The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The authors use the term 'sweeping criticism' and 'conservative legal activists' to describe the lawsuit without providing any evidence or context for these labels. They also quote Jonathan Mitchell, a lawyer involved in the lawsuit, making an unsubstantiated claim that universities hire less-qualified people of color and women over White men. However, no formal logical fallacies were identified in the article.
    • ][The authors] use the term 'sweeping criticism' to describe the lawsuit without providing any evidence or context for this label.[/]
    • [The authors] quote Jonathan Mitchell making an unsubstantiated claim that universities hire less-qualified people of color and women over White men.[/
  • Bias (80%)
    The authors use language that depicts the plaintiffs as challenging 'widespread discriminatory practices' and 'left-wing faculty and administrators thumbing their noses at federal anti-discrimination statutes'. This implies a bias against those who advocate for affirmative action, which is not neutral reporting.
    • For decades, left-wing faculty and administrators have been thumbing their noses at federal anti-discrimination statutes.
      • They do this by hiring women and racial minorities with mediocre and undistinguished records over white men who have better credentials, better scholarship, and better teaching ability.
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • A conservative group filed a lawsuit against Northwestern University’s law school for alleged discrimination against white male candidates in faculty hiring.
      • Accuracy
        • Three White men were denied interviews or blocked from advancing in faculty hiring.
        • Of the 21 job offers made by the law school over the last three years, three went to white men.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • America First Legal (AFL) and co-counsel sued Northwestern University for discriminating against white men in faculty hiring and the Northwestern University Law Review for discriminating against white men when selecting its articles, editors, and members.
        • Northwestern University’s law school allegedly propagated and enforced a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible since 2012, which is considered an act of discrimination against white men.
        • The lawsuit claims that Northwestern’s law school hired faculty candidates from preferred demographics while rejecting white men with superior publication records and more impressive credentials.
        • Northwestern University receives federal funding and must follow national civil-rights laws and explicitly disavow all race and sex preferences when hiring faculty.
      • Accuracy
        • Northwestern University’s law school allegedly propagated and enforced a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible since 2012.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The author, Press, presents a clear and factual account of the lawsuit filed by America First Legal against Northwestern University. There are no direct fallacies in the text. However, there is an appeal to authority and inflammatory rhetoric.
        • . . . universities that refuse to implement colorblind and sex-neutral faculty-hiring practices.
        • Discrimination on the basis of race and sex is illegal, yet America’s once respected and prestigious universities have decided to flout federal civil rights statutes.
        • America First Legal will not stop fighting to hold universities like Northwestern accountable in the pursuit of equality.
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • A new lawsuit was filed against Northwestern University’s Law School for alleged discrimination against white men.
        • The complaint was brought forth by a conservative group called ‘Faculty, Alumni and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences’.
      • Accuracy
        • Northwestern University intends to fight the lawsuit following the Supreme Court’s decision last year on race-conscious admissions at Harvard University.
      • Deception (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Fallacies (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Bias (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • A lawsuit was filed against Northwestern’s law school alleging that it hires less-qualified people of color and women over White men for faculty positions in violation of federal anti-discrimination laws.
        • The complaint targets Northwestern’s law school but represents a sweeping criticism of American universities’ focus on diversity over merit or compliance with federal law.
        • The lawsuit was filed on the 60th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
        • The suit follows the Supreme Court decisions that invalidated race-conscious admissions at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill last year.
      • Accuracy
        • A lawsuit was filed against Northwestern’s law school alleging discriminatory hiring practices against White men in violation of federal anti-discrimination laws.
        • The complaint targets Northwestern’s law school and accuses it of hiring less-qualified people of color and women over White men for faculty positions.
        • Three White men were named in the lawsuit as examples of those not hired despite strong qualifications.
        • Four Black women and one Black man were named as examples of those offered faculty positions because of their race and/or gender.
      • Deception (30%)
        The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the allegations made in the lawsuit without providing any context or counterarguments. The authors also use emotional manipulation by using words like 'absolute racist garbage' and 'sweeping criticism' to evoke strong emotions from readers. Additionally, there is a lack of disclosure of sources in the article.
        • The lawsuit argues that left-wing professors and administrators openly flout anti-discrimination provisions by hiring ‘women and minorities with mediocre and undistinguished records over white men who have better credentials, better scholarship, and better teaching ability.’
        • The group also sent letters to more than 100 universities on Tuesday, warning them that the plaintiff group intends to sue other schools that deploy ‘these illegal, discriminatory practices.’
      • Fallacies (80%)
        The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The authors use the term 'absolute racist garbage' when quoting Paul Gowder's response to the allegations, which is an example of inflammatory rhetoric. They also refer to Mitchell as a 'prominent lawyer' and mention his past successes in the Supreme Court, which is an appeal to authority. However, no formal fallacies or dichotomous depictions were found.
        • This is absolute racist garbage.
        • Paul Gowder, one of the Black law professors mentioned in the lawsuit as an example of someone who benefited from racial preferences, strongly pushed back against the allegations.
        • Jonathan Mitchell, a prominent lawyer behind the suit
        • Mitchell also notched a significant victory last month when the high court struck down a ban on bump stocks for semiautomatic weapons.
      • Bias (80%)
        The authors use language that depicts the defendants as openly flouting anti-discrimination provisions and hiring less qualified individuals based on race and gender. They also quote a lawyer involved in the lawsuit promising to challenge similar practices at other universities.
        • Jonathan Mitchell, a prominent lawyer behind the suit, promised to challenge similar practices at other universities and invited those with 'incriminating evidence' to contact him.
          • The lawsuit argues that left-wing professors and administrators openly flout anti-discrimination provisions by hiring women and minorities with mediocre and undistinguished records over white men who have better credentials, better scholarship, and better teaching ability.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication