Senate Proposes Bill to Ease Title 42-Type Limit on Migrants at Border

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
The proposed border proposal includes a Title 42-style authority to quickly remove migrants at the border and humanitarian parole programs for foreign nationals under the age of 18 and those who have been in the country for more than two years, but less than five years. If there are more than 8,000 encounters in one day, expulsions would be mandated even if the 7-day average was lower.
The Senate is considering a bill that would allow 5,000 migrants a day before Title 42-type limit starts.
Those expulsions would also be exempted from judicial review.
Senate Proposes Bill to Ease Title 42-Type Limit on Migrants at Border

The Senate is considering a bill that would allow 5,000 migrants a day before Title 42-type limit starts. The proposed border proposal includes a Title 42-style authority to quickly remove migrants at the border and humanitarian parole programs for foreign nationals under the age of 18 and those who have been in the country for more than two years, but less than five years. If there are more than 8,000 encounters in one day, expulsions would be mandated even if the 7-day average was lower. Those expulsions would also be exempted from judicial review.



  • It is unclear how effective this bill will be in addressing the root causes of migration.



  • Unique Points
    • The bipartisan group of senators have reached a deal that would force the federal government to shut down the border for migrants crossing illegally during surges and expedite the asylum process.
    • Its fate is also linked to prospects of unlocking billions of dollars in military aid for Ukraine and Israel.
  • Accuracy
    • If there are more than 8,000 encounters in one day, expulsions would be mandated even if the 7-day average was lower. Those expulsions would also be exempted from judicial review.
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the deal would force the federal government to shut down the border for migrants crossing illegally during surges and expedite the asylum process. However, this statement is misleading because it implies that all illegal immigrants will be denied entry into the US regardless of their circumstances. In reality, there are exceptions for humanitarian reasons and harsher penalties for those who attempt to illegally cross multiple times.
    • The article states that migrants could be granted exceptions for humanitarian reasons. However, this statement is misleading because it implies that all illegal immigrants will be denied entry into the US regardless of their circumstances. In reality, there are exceptions for humanitarian reasons and harsher penalties for those who attempt to illegally cross multiple times.
    • The article states that migrants would only be able to seek asylum at legal ports of entry if the border is closed. However, this statement is misleading because it implies that all illegal immigrants will be denied entry into the US regardless of their circumstances. In reality, there are exceptions for humanitarian reasons and harsher penalties for those who attempt to illegally cross multiple times.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing President Biden's statement on the matter. This is a form of informal fallacy as it relies on the credibility of a person rather than providing evidence for their claim. Additionally, there are instances where dichotomous depictions are used in describing migrants crossing illegally and those who seek asylum at legal ports of entry.
    • The Department of Homeland Security would also have the option of using the authority even earlier — once crossings surpass a daily average of 4,000 over the course of a week.
    • Migrants could be granted exceptions for humanitarian reasons.
  • Bias (0%)
    The article is biased in favor of the bipartisan deal to restrict border crossings and asylum seekers. The author uses phrases like “the toughest and fairest set of reforms” and “I would use it the day I sign the bill into law” to imply that this deal is necessary, effective, and supported by both parties. The author also downplays the humanitarian concerns of migrants by saying they can only seek asylum at legal ports of entry and ignores the fact that many may not have access to such options due to violence or persecution in their home countries.
    • Migrants could be granted exceptions for humanitarian reasons.
      • The agreement would automatically reject migrants and asylum seekers from crossing the border illegally once the daily average for border crossings surpasses 5,000 over a week or crossings surpass 8,500 on a single day
        • The Department of Homeland Security would also have the option of using the authority even earlier — once crossings surpass a daily average of 4,000 over the course of a week.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          Stef W. Kight has a conflict of interest on the topic of border policy as he is reporting on senators who are zeroing in on high stakes border deal and discussing James Lankford, Kyrsten Sinema, Chris Murphy, Mike Johnson and Donald Trump.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            Stef W. Kight has conflicts of interest on the topics of bipartisan deal on border policy and military aid for Ukraine and Israel.
            • The article mentions that Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) have been working together to find a solution to the immigration crisis. This suggests that they may be compromising their positions on border policy in order to reach an agreement.


            • Unique Points
              • The Senate is considering a bill that would allow 5,000 migrants a day before Title 42-type limit starts.
              • Talks have been ongoing for months as lawmakers have tried to find a deal over supplemental spending that includes aid to Ukraine and Israel.
              • If there are more than 8,000 encounters in one day, expulsions would be mandated even if the 7-day average was lower. Those expulsions would also be exempted from judicial review.
            • Accuracy
              • The provisions of the bill are still fluid but negotiators hope to have a text soon.
            • Deception (80%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the bill would only be mandated if numbers at the southern border exceeded 5,000 migrant encounters a day. However, this statement is misleading because even if there are fewer than 5,000 encounters per day, expulsions will still occur under Title 42-style authority. Secondly, it states that those expelled would be exempted from judicial review. This is also false as the use of humanitarian parole at the border by the administration would not be restricted in this way. Thirdly, it claims that migrants could still be paroled if they cite humanitarian reasons. However, this statement contradicts previous statements made about restrictions on migrant releases into the interior and suggests a lack of consistency in policy proposals.
              • The article claims that those expelled would be exempted from judicial review. This is false as the use of humanitarian parole at the border by the administration would not be restricted in this way.
              • The article states that expulsions will only occur under Title 42-style authority if there are more than 5,000 encounters per day. However, this statement is misleading because even if there are fewer than 5,000 encounters per day, expulsions will still occur.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it states that the Biden administration is seeking over $100 billion in funding for the border. This statement implies that the request should be accepted without question because it comes from a legitimate source, but this ignores potential flaws or biases in the administration's proposal. Additionally, there are several instances of inflammatory rhetoric used by conservative politicians and activists to criticize the proposed bill, such as calling it a
              • The use of Title 42-style expulsion authority is mandated only if there is a 7-day rolling average of above 5,000 encounters a day.
              • Sen. Ted Cruz called the proposal a 'stinking pile of crap bill'.
            • Bias (85%)
              The article contains examples of conservative fury and criticism towards the proposed border bill. The author uses language that dehumanizes migrants by referring to them as a 'stinking pile of crap'. Additionally, there are multiple instances where the author quotes GOP lawmakers who use inflammatory language such as calling it an invasion or normalizing 5000 people a day coming in.
              • The article contains examples of conservative fury and criticism towards the proposed border bill. The author uses language that dehumanizes migrants by referring to them as a 'stinking pile of crap'. Additionally, there are multiple instances where the author quotes GOP lawmakers who use inflammatory language such as calling it an invasion or normalizing 5000 people a day coming in.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                Adam Shaw has conflicts of interest on the topics of Title 42-type authority, border security, immigration policy, asylum screening standards and humanitarian parole programs for foreign nationals under the age of 18 and those who have been in the country for more than two years but less than five years. He also has a conflict of interest on ICE detention beds increase to 55000.
                • Adam Shaw is an employee of Fox News, which has been criticized for its coverage on immigration issues and has ties with conservative politicians.
                  • Adam Shaw is an employee of Fox News, which has financial ties with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
                    • The article discusses the proposed increase in ICE detention beds to 55,000. This could be seen as a conflict of interest for Adam Shaw if he or his employer have any financial stake in the construction or operation of these facilities.
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                      Adam Shaw has conflicts of interest on the topics of Title 42-type authority, border security, immigration policy, asylum screening standards and humanitarian parole programs for foreign nationals under the age of 18 and those who have been in the country for more than two years but less than five years. He also has a conflict of interest on ICE detention beds increase to 55,000.
                      • Adam Shaw is an author at Fox News which has financial ties with companies that may be affected by immigration policy and border security
                        • Adam Shaw's article discusses the use of humanitarian parole at the border by activists including Documented Dreamers, a group he likely has personal relationships with.
                          • The bill being discussed in Adam Shaw's article is not designed to fix the problem which could be seen as biased reporting.


                          • Unique Points
                            • The bipartisan group of senators have reached a deal that would force the federal government to shut down the border for migrants crossing illegally during surges and expedite the asylum process.
                            • If there are more than 8,000 encounters in one day, expulsions would be mandated even if the 7-day average was lower. Those expulsions would also be exempted from judicial review.
                          • Accuracy
                            No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                          • Deception (30%)
                            The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it states that the Senate deal would significantly restrict illegal migrant crossings at the southern border and unblock aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. However, this statement is not entirely accurate as there are no specifics about how much or what kind of aid will be provided to these countries.
                            • The article quotes President Joe Biden stating that the plan would put pressure on Republicans to decide whether to greenlight these new authorities or reject the plan as former President Donald Trump has urged the GOP to defeat anything short of what he calls a 'perfect' bill. However, this statement is misleading as it implies that there are specifics about what constitutes a perfect bill for Trump.
                            • The article states that the Senate deal would significantly restrict illegal migrant crossings at the southern border and unblock aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. However, this statement is not entirely accurate as there are no specifics about how much or what kind of aid will be provided to these countries.
                          • Fallacies (100%)
                            None Found At Time Of Publication
                          • Bias (85%)
                            The article contains a statement that the deal reached by U.S. Senate negotiators would significantly restrict illegal migrant crossings at the southern border and unblock aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
                            • > The details provide a new window into high-profile negotiations that have been going on for months <br> > President Joe Biden said the deal that Senate negotiators have worked toward is both tough and fair. <br> > Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, said in a letter to his colleagues on January 26 that Senate legislation addressing the border and aid to Ukraine and other countries would have been dead on arrival if reports about its terms are true.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              The article reports on a deal reached by US senators to unblock aid to Ukraine. The author is Ukrinform, which has financial ties with the Ukrainian government and may have a vested interest in reporting positively about their country's needs.
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                The author has conflicts of interest on the topics of aid to Ukraine and Israel/Taiwan. The article mentions that the Senate deal will speed up the asylum process for Ukrainian refugees but does not disclose any financial ties or personal relationships with these countries.