Adam Shaw

Adam Shaw is a seasoned journalist with over eight years of experience at Fox News Digital. He currently serves as a politics reporter primarily covering immigration and border security issues in the United States and Europe. Adam began working for Fox News Digital in 2013 and has been part of the live blog team since 2015. As a native Brit, he is a graduate of the University of Manchester. He can be reached at or on Twitter.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The article seems to have a conservative bias, criticizing Obama's statement and implying that he is undermining Israel's sovereignty.
  • The author has a tendency to use language that dehumanizes those seeking a better life, such as referring to them as 'illegal migrants' or a 'stinking pile of crap'.
  • There are multiple instances where the author quotes GOP lawmakers using inflammatory language.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Gov. Abbott's office accused the Democratic mayor of hypocrisy and pledged to continue the transportation of migrants.
  • Texas is taking action against illegal immigration because it is necessary due to the Biden administration not securing the border properly.




  • The provisions of the bill are still fluid but negotiators hope to have a text soon.
  • The White House announced executive actions to stop illegal immigrants at the southern border claiming asylum if crossings reach a certain level.




  • The article claims that those expelled would be exempted from judicial review. This is false as the use of humanitarian parole at the border by the administration would not be restricted in this way.
  • The article states that expulsions will only occur under Title 42-style authority if there are more than 5,000 encounters per day. However, this statement is misleading because even if there are fewer than 5,000 encounters per day, expulsions will still occur.

Recent Articles

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