UNRWA Employees Linked to Hamas and P.I.J in Gaza Attacks on Israel, Biden Suspends Funding while Investigating Allegations

1200 out of UNRWA's roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Biden suspends funding while investigating allegations
UNRWA employees linked to Hamas and P.I.J in Gaza attacks on Israel
UNRWA Employees Linked to Hamas and P.I.J in Gaza Attacks on Israel, Biden Suspends Funding while Investigating Allegations

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is a humanitarian organization that provides aid to Palestinian refugees. However, recent allegations have been made against UNRWA employees who were involved in the Oct 7 attacks on Israel. According to Israeli intelligence estimates shared with the US, around 1200 out of UNRWA's roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad and about half have close relatives who belong to these militant groups. The Biden administration suspended its funding for UNRWA while it investigates the allegations. Other major funders followed suit.



  • It is not clear if the allegations against UNRWA employees have been independently verified.
  • The exact number of UNRWA employees with links to militant groups in Gaza may be higher or lower than reported.



  • Unique Points
    • Israeli intelligence prompted U.S. to quickly cut Gaza aid funding
    • Twelve UNRWA workers were accused of participating in the Oct 7 attacks on Israel and kidnapping a soldier and civilian
    • UNRWA fired nine alleged Hamas members from its staff after Israeli evidence was presented
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (50%)
    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the title of the article implies that Israeli intelligence prompted U.S to quickly cut Gaza aid funding when in fact it was not Israel but UNRWA whose workers were accused of participating in terrorist attacks and kidnapping a soldier and civilian.
    • The title of the article is misleading as it suggests that Israeli intelligence prompted U.S to quickly cut Gaza aid funding.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several examples of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to authority. The author uses loaded language such as 'shocking allegations' and 'highly credible' without providing any evidence or context for these claims. Additionally, the author cites sources without verifying their accuracy or reliability.
    • The Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned a senior United Nations official to its office in Jerusalem and presented him with startling allegations
    • Israeli officials have long complained that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency is closely aligned with Hamas
    • UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini fired nine of the alleged participants, some of whom worked as teachers in schools run by the aid agency
  • Bias (85%)
    The authors demonstrate bias by selectively quoting Israeli officials and presenting their claims as fact without providing any evidence to support them. The authors also rely heavily on quotes from pro-Israel conservatives in Washington who accuse UNRWA of being antisemitic.
    • `Israeli officials have long complained that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which administers aid programs for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, was closely aligned with Hamas. But the accusations that aid workers were members of the organization whose fighters killed 1,200 people and took more than 250 captive in the raid into Israel threatened the existence of the primary conduit for aid to millions of people in Gaza whose lives have been upended after nearly four months of war`
      • `Pro-Israel conservatives in Washington have for years taken issue with U.N. criticism of Israeli human rights violations in the Palestinian territories, accusing the international body and its agencies — especially UNRWA — of being antisemitic`
        • `Twelve of his agency’s workers had taken part in the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, transporting weapons, raiding Israeli villages, and participating in the kidnapping of a soldier and a civilian`
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          The authors of the article have a conflict of interest on several topics related to Israel and Palestine. They are all known for their reporting on these issues in the past.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            The authors have a conflict of interest on the topic of aid programs for Palestinians in Gaza Strip and humanitarian aid to Gaza civilians as they are reporting on Israeli intelligence prompting the US to cut funding. They also have a personal relationship with Linda Thomas-Greenfield who is mentioned in the article.
            • The authors mention that Israeli intelligence was behind the decision for the United States to quickly cut Gaza aid funding, indicating a potential conflict of interest on this topic.


            • Unique Points
              • The U.N.'s Palestinian Refugee Agency, UNRWA, is involved in a scandal where 12 of its employees were accused of involvement in the massacre of Oct. 7.
              • Intelligence estimates shared with the US conclude that around 1,200 out of UNRWA's roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad and about half have close relatives who belong to these militant groups.
              • The Biden administration suspended its funding for UNRWA while it investigates the allegations. Other major funders followed suit.
            • Accuracy
              No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
            • Deception (80%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author presents a list of UN scandals without providing any context or comparison to other organizations. This creates an unfair and misleading impression that the UN is uniquely corrupt while ignoring similar issues with other international institutions such as NATO or the World Bank.
              • The article falsely implies that all 12 employees identified in the intelligence dossier were involved in kidnapping, storing rocket-propelled grenades and murdering civilians. In reality, only one employee was charged with these crimes.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the intelligence dossier as evidence of UNRWA's involvement in the massacre without providing any context or information about its credibility. Additionally, the author commits a hasty generalization by stating that around 1,200 out of UNRWA's roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad and half have close relatives who belong to these groups without providing any evidence. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the situation as a
              • Bias (85%)
                The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that depicts Hamas as an extremist group and implies that UNRWA is supporting them by accepting their conditions to continue operating in Gaza. Additionally, the article mentions the suspension of funding for UNRWA by major donors including France, Germany, and Japan which could be seen as a form of monetary bias.
                • The article mentions the suspension of funding for UNRWA by major donors including France, Germany, and Japan
                  • The author uses language that depicts Hamas as an extremist group
                    • UNRWA is supporting them by accepting their conditions to continue operating in Gaza
                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                      None Found At Time Of Publication


                    • Unique Points
                      • Sanders is an outspoken critic of Israel's invasion of Gaza and blockade of humanitarian supplies
                      • `The freeze on funding for UNRWA would curtail access to food, water and essential services to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, including 1.1 million people who are at risk for starvation`
                    • Accuracy
                      • UNRWA operates schools and medical clinics virtually all of which have been closed and turned into shelters that now house more than 1 million people in Gaza
                    • Deception (50%)
                      The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it implies that the UNRWA workers who participated in the attack on Israeli civilians are responsible for a humanitarian disaster in Gaza when there is no evidence to support this claim. Secondly, it suggests that Israel's actions against Hamas and its blockade of humanitarian supplies are unjustified when they were taken as a result of credible allegations made by the US government. Thirdly, it presents Sanders' call for funding restoration without disclosing any information about how this would address the root causes of the conflict or improve conditions in Gaza.
                      • The article presents Sanders' call for funding restoration without disclosing any information about how this would address the root causes of the conflict or improve conditions in Gaza. For example, it states 'Sanders has denounced Israel’s denial of food, water and other essentials to people in Gaza a “serious violation of international law.”' However, it does not provide any information about what specific actions could be taken to address this issue or how funding restoration would improve conditions on the ground.
                      • The article suggests that Israel's actions against Hamas and its blockade of humanitarian supplies are unjustified when they were taken as a result of credible allegations made by the US government. For example, it states 'Israeli intelligence officials say seven UNRWA staff members invaded Israeli territory during the Oct. 7 attack.' However, this does not provide any context or evidence to support these claims.
                      • The article implies that UNRWA workers who participated in an attack on Israeli civilians are responsible for a humanitarian disaster in Gaza, when there is no evidence to support this claim. For example, it states 'Today, hundreds of thousands of children face starvation and disease.' However, the article does not provide any information about how these issues were caused or what actions could be taken to address them.
                    • Fallacies (70%)
                      The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when Sanders calls on the United States and its allies to restore funding to UNRWA. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the situation in Gaza as a humanitarian disaster and stating that more than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war.
                      • Sanders calls on the United States and its allies to restore funding to UNRWA
                      • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing the situation in Gaza as a humanitarian disaster
                    • Bias (85%)
                      The author of the article is biased against Israel and in favor of Palestine. The author uses language that dehumanizes Israelis by saying 'more than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war' without mentioning how many Jews were also killed during this time period. Additionally, the author implies that UNRWA is not involved with Hamas and only a few of its workers are accused of collaborating with them when Israeli intelligence officials say seven staff members invaded Israeli territory during an attack on civilians. The author also uses language like 'obviously' to dismiss Israel's concerns about terrorism, which shows their bias towards Palestine.
                      • more than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war
                        • The U.S. and other countries must restore funding to stave off this humanitarian catastrophe
                          • UNRWA has more than 10,000 workers
                          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                            Alexander Bolton has a conflict of interest on the topics of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hamas attacks as he is reporting on an article that calls for U.S funding to be restored to UNRWA which is linked to Hamas attacks.
                            • . Bernie Sanders
                              • . Greg Nash
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                Alexander Bolton has a conflict of interest on the topics of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hamas attacks as he is reporting on an article that calls for U.S funding to be restored to UNRWA which is linked to Hamas attacks.
                                • . Bernie Sanders
                                  • . Greg Nash


                                  • Unique Points
                                    • UNRWA is a heavily U.S.-subsidized agency
                                    • 12 UNRWA employees allegedly participated in the Oct. 7 massacre and transported Hamas terrorists in U.N. vehicles
                                    • Fox News Digital reported that UNRWA teachers celebrated Hamas's Oct. 7 attack on Israel, praising the terrorists who raped and murdered civilians as 'heroes'
                                    • UNRWA schoolbooks were tainted with systematic hatred of Israel
                                    • A Hamas terrorism tunnel was found beneath two UNRWA schools in Gaza
                                  • Accuracy
                                    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                                  • Deception (90%)
                                    The article is highly deceptive and misleading. It presents UNRWA as a benevolent organization that provides aid to Palestinians in the Near East. However, it fails to mention the agency's long history of enabling Hamas by providing them with vehicles and other resources for their terrorist activities.
                                    • The article states that UNRWA is a horror show that is decades in the making co-produced by the United States taxpayer. However, it fails to mention any specific examples or evidence of this claim.
                                  • Fallacies (85%)
                                    The article contains several examples of logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing Richard Goldberg's testimony before a subcommittee of the House Foreign Relations Committee. This is not evidence that UNRWA employees participated in the Oct. 7 massacre or any other wrongdoing, but rather an opinion based on his testimony and analysis of available information. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing UNRWA as a
                                    • The article contains several examples of logical fallacies.
                                    • An appeal to authority is used when the author cites Richard Goldberg's testimony before a subcommittee of the House Foreign Relations Committee.
                                  • Bias (85%)
                                    The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses inflammatory language such as 'horror show' and 'enabling Hamas'. They also use loaded terms like 'massacre' to describe the events in question. Additionally, the author cites sources that are known for their anti-Hamas stance without providing any countering perspectives.
                                    • The article cites sources that are known for their anti-Hamas stance without providing any countering perspectives
                                      • The article uses inflammatory language such as 'horror show'
                                        • The author uses loaded terms like 'massacre' to describe the events in question
                                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                          The article by Benjamin Weinthal exposes the long history of UNRWA enabling Hamas through its activities in Gaza. The author has a financial tie to FDD which is critical of UNRWA and may have influenced his reporting.
                                          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                            The author has a conflict of interest on the topics of UNRWA and Hamas as they are both affiliated with FDD (Foundation for Defense of Democracies) which is an organization that advocates against terrorism. The article also mentions Richard Goldberg who was previously involved in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
                                            • The author writes,


                                            • Unique Points
                                              • UNRWA was formed after more than 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homeland during the creation of Israel in 1948 and collectively recognises them as refugees entitled to education, healthcare and other services until they can exercise their right to return to their land.
                                              • Israel opposes the return of nearly six million Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA.
                                              • UNRWA operates schools and medical clinics virtually all of which have been closed and turned into shelters that now house more than 1 million people in Gaza
                                              • The Biden administration continues to view UNRWA as an essential provider of humanitarian relief to Gaza, but has taken action due to the seriousness of the Israeli allegations.
                                              • UNRWA is a heavily U.S.-subsidized agency
                                            • Accuracy
                                              • UNRWA's elimination would facilitate and expedite the liquidation of the Palestinian cause because it could contribute to undermining the collective right of return for stateless Palestinian refugees.
                                              • The Israeli government is not hiding its motives in targeting UNRWA, as evidenced by Foreign Minister Israel Katz's tweet about ceasing funding after some employees were involved in October 7 attacks on southern Israel.
                                              • Israel also wants to eliminate UNRWA to force Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank to migrate elsewhere out of desperation, which feeds into its overall goal of displacing more Palestinians from their land.
                                              • Hunger and disease could worsen in Gaza after funding cuts to UNRWA, as a quarter of its population is facing catastrophic levels of hunger according to a recent report.
                                              • The global community is directly aiding Israel's mass killing of Palestinians by suspending funds to UNRWA at such a critical time.
                                            • Deception (90%)
                                              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, it presents the decision by Israel to target UNRWA as a response to attacks on Israeli citizens when there is no evidence linking these attacks directly to UNRWA employees. Secondly, the article uses sensationalist language such as 'forceful transfer of a population' and 'genocide' without providing any context or evidence for these claims. Thirdly, it presents Israel's actions against UNRWA as part of an effort to destroy the agency when there is no evidence linking these actions directly to this goal. Finally, the article uses selective reporting by focusing on attacks on UNRWA and ignoring other Israeli military operations in Gaza that have resulted in civilian deaths.
                                              • The selective reporting by focusing on attacks on UNRWA and ignoring other Israeli military operations in Gaza that have resulted in civilian deaths is deceptive. For example, the article states that 'Israel has killed 152 of UNRWA's Palestinian employees', but it does not provide any information about other Israeli military operations in Gaza that have also resulted in civilian deaths.
                                              • The presentation of Israel's actions against UNRWA as part of an effort to destroy the agency is deceptive because there is no evidence linking these actions directly to this goal. For example, the article states that 'Israel has hit its facilities 263 times since the start of the war', but it does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
                                              • The use of sensationalist language such as 'forceful transfer of a population' and 'genocide' without providing any context or evidence for these claims is deceptive. For example, the article states that UNRWA has been accused by Israel of being involved in the October 7 attacks on southern Israel, but it does not provide any evidence to support this claim.
                                              • The decision by Israel to target UNRWA as a response to attacks on Israeli citizens is deceptive because there is no evidence linking these attacks directly to UNRWA employees. For example, the article states that 'UNRWA has fired nine of its employees preemptively as it investigates the allegations', but this does not necessarily mean that these individuals were involved in the October 7 attacks on southern Israel.
                                            • Fallacies (80%)
                                              The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by citing the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and Israeli officials without providing any evidence or context for their claims. They also use inflammatory rhetoric when describing the attacks on UNRWA staff and facilities as 'emblematic' of Israel's broader efforts to destroy the agency, analysts, Palestinian refugees and rights groups said.
                                              • The author cites Israeli officials without providing any evidence or context for their claims.
                                              • The author uses inflammatory rhetoric when describing the attacks on UNRWA staff and facilities as 'emblematic' of Israel's broader efforts to destroy the agency.
                                            • Bias (85%)
                                              The article contains multiple examples of bias. The author uses inflammatory language such as 'eliminate the agency' and 'forceful transfer of a population', which is a war crime, to paint UNRWA in a negative light. Additionally, the author cites Israel's allegations against UNRWA employees without providing any evidence or context for these claims. The article also uses quotes from sources that are not cited as such, making it difficult to determine their credibility and bias.
                                              • The decision by major donors to cut funding for the agency would only further deepen the misery of the people of Gaza.
                                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                Mat Nashed has a conflict of interest with UNRWA as he is an Israeli journalist and the article discusses Israel's decision to target UNRWA. The author also mentions several individuals who are affiliated with Israel or have ties to it.
                                                • The article states that Mat Nashed is an Israeli journalist, which could indicate a conflict of interest with UNRWA as he may be biased towards Israel's perspective on the issue.
                                                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                                                  Mat Nashed has a conflict of interest on the topics of Israel and UNRWA as he is an Israeli journalist. He also has a personal relationship with Zaid Amali who was previously the director-general of UNRWA in Gaza Strip.