Bret Stephens

Bret Stephens is an Opinion columnist for The New York Times, writing about foreign policy, domestic politics and cultural issues. He has been with The Times since 2017 and has covered topics ranging from China's long-term decline to the enduring relevance of Edmund Burke to his grandmother's advice about sex to his misgivings about The Times's 1619 Project. Prior to joining The Times, Stephens worked for The Wall Street Journal in Brussels and was editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post. He won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for commentary and is the author of 'America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder.' In 2022, the government of Russia barred him for life. Stephens sits on a few academic and nonprofit advisory boards but derives no income or other benefit from them. He does not blurb books unless they are excerpts from columns or commissioned reviews, and he does not use social media.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Abolish the U.N.’s Palestinian Refugee Agency
  • How Biden Can Avenge Navalny’s Death
  • President Biden Just Made His Biggest Blunder

Conflicts of Interest



  • But what if the Lebanese terrorist group looks at reports of Israeli munitions’ shortages and decides that now would be an opportune time to strike?
  • The single most important thing we can do to hit back at Putin is to enact legislation to confiscate the $300 billion of frozen Russian bank reserves for the defense and reconstruction of Ukraine.




  • The article falsely implies that all 12 employees identified in the intelligence dossier were involved in kidnapping, storing rocket-propelled grenades and murdering civilians. In reality, only one employee was charged with these crimes.
  • The statement ‘President Biden said last week that he was looking at a whole number of options’




  • The article falsely implies that all 12 employees identified in the intelligence dossier were involved in kidnapping, storing rocket-propelled grenades and murdering civilians. In reality, only one employee was charged with these crimes.
  • The statement ‘President Biden said last week that he was looking at a whole number of options’

Recent Articles

New Sanctions Against Russia Announced Amid Tensions Over Navalny's Death and Ukraine War

New Sanctions Against Russia Announced Amid Tensions Over Navalny's Death and Ukraine War

Broke On: Wednesday, 21 February 2024 The US will announce major sanctions against Russia on Friday in response to the death of political opposition leader Alexei Navalny and retaliation for the two-year war Vladimir Putin initiated against Ukraine. The Biden administration has been under pressure from allies around the world to take action, including John Kirby, White House national security spokesperson.
UNRWA Employees Linked to Hamas and P.I.J in Gaza Attacks on Israel, Biden Suspends Funding while Investigating Allegations

UNRWA Employees Linked to Hamas and P.I.J in Gaza Attacks on Israel, Biden Suspends Funding while Investigating Allegations

Broke On: Wednesday, 31 January 2024 UNRWA, a humanitarian organization providing aid to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, has been accused of having links with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Recent allegations suggest that around 1200 out of UNRWA's roughly 12,000 employees have ties to these militant groups. The Biden administration suspended its funding for UNRWA while it investigates the claims, prompting other major funders to follow suit.