Post Editorial

Karol Markowicz is a journalist who writes for the New York Post. She covers a range of topics including politics, social issues, and culture. Her writing often focuses on exposing corruption and highlighting the negative impacts of government policies on individuals and communities.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author has a tendency to lean towards conspiracy theories and exaggeration. They often make sweeping generalizations and use inflammatory language.
  • The author seems to have a negative view of the government and those in power, often accusing them of incompetence and corruption.
  • There is an underlying tone of anti-intellectualism, particularly towards experts in fields such as medicine and public health.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author also seems to have a particular focus on the financial motivations behind certain actions or policies.
  • The author appears to have a strong interest in exposing conflicts of interest and corruption within various institutions.
  • There are multiple instances of the author calling out conflicts of interest involving high-profile individuals and organizations.




  • The author also highlights contradictions within organizations or individuals, such as the discrepancy between a company's public stance and its actions.
  • The author frequently cites contradictory information in their articles, often highlighting discrepancies between official statements and on-the-ground realities.
  • There are multiple instances of the author pointing out contradictions in government policies and actions.




  • The author also engages in ad hominem attacks and personal attacks against individuals they disagree with.
  • The author uses deceptive tactics such as misleading headlines and sensationalized language to grab the reader's attention.
  • There are instances of the author twisting facts or omitting important context to support their narrative.

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