Ishaan Tharoor

Ishaan Tharoor is a columnist on the foreign desk of The Washington Post. He is also the author of Today's WorldView newsletter and column, which provides daily analysis and commentary on global politics. Tharoor has previously worked as a senior editor and correspondent at Time magazine, based in Hong Kong and New York. In addition to his journalistic work, he occasionally teaches an undergraduate seminar at Georgetown University on digital affairs and the global age. Tharoor has received several awards for his journalism, including the Arthur Ross Media Award in Commentary in 2021. His writing often focuses on international relations, political leadership, and the impact of technology on global affairs.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • He sometimes portrays certain leaders or groups as threats to democracy or liberal values, suggesting that they are attempting to undermine the political system for their own gain.
  • Ishaan Tharoor tends to present information in a way that highlights conflicts and tensions, often emphasizing the negative aspects of a situation or event. He frequently discusses the consequences of political decisions and actions, particularly those made by right-wing leaders. There is also a tendency to focus on the fallacies and deceptions of certain politicians, such as Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • Tharoor often highlights contradictions in political statements and policies, pointing out inconsistencies or discrepancies between what politicians say and do.

Conflicts of Interest



  • He also highlights the connections between certain politicians and far-right or nationalist groups, suggesting that they may have vested interests in promoting extreme policies or ideologies.
  • Tharoor discusses how some politicians, such as Trump and Netanyahu, have been accused of prioritizing their personal political interests over the best interests of their countries.
  • Tharoor often discusses conflicts of interest involving political leaders. For example, he points out that Putin's tough stance on terrorism may be motivated by a desire to deflect blame onto his enemies and bolster his own political position.




  • He highlights the contradictions in Netanyahu's stance on Palestinian statehood, pointing out that while he claims to support a two-state solution, his actions and policies make it impossible for such a state to exist.
  • Tharoor also identifies contradictions in Trump's foreign policy, particularly his tough talk on Iran while simultaneously killing the nuclear deal and assassinating key Iranian figures.
  • Tharoor frequently identifies contradictions in political statements and policies. For example, he points out that while some far-right parties in Europe claim to oppose immigration and Islam, they also share a common position on identity and nationalism.




  • He also highlights how certain leaders, such as Putin and Netanyahu, use conspiracy theories or misleading rhetoric to justify their actions and policies.
  • Tharoor discusses how some politicians, like Trump, make false claims about their own achievements or the actions of their opponents.
  • Tharoor frequently calls out deceptive practices used by politicians to manipulate public opinion or advance their own agendas. For example, he points out that Trump's policy towards Israel was characterized by a strong support for the Israeli right and a disregard for Palestinian rights.

Recent Articles

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