Caroline Vakil

Caroline Vakil is a campaign reporter at The Hill, covering campaigns and elections since the November 2022 midterms. She has interviewed past presidential candidates, former Vice President Mike Pence and Vivek Ramaswamy, lawmakers and candidate hopefuls alike. Her focus is on state- and local-based elections and ballot campaigns. Caroline joined The Hill as a breaking news reporter in 2021; prior to The Hill, she worked as a desk assistant at NBC News in their Washington, D.C. bureau. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, organizing potlucks and sharing New Yorker cartoons. She is an apologetic Midwesterner and can often be heard saying


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author occasionally uses emotionally manipulative language and selectively reports information to create a certain narrative.

Conflicts of Interest



  • In some articles, the author seems to have a conflict of interest as they report on campaigns and elections without disclosing potential biases or connections.




  • In one article, the author reports that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accused the Trump administration of violating First Amendment rights without mentioning his praise for Trump's initial reluctance to impose lockdowns or his support for churches reopening.
  • The author also reports that both internal polling suggested candidates were on track for victory, but only highlighted the one that ended up being correct.




  • The author occasionally uses deceptive practices such as emotionally manipulative language and selectively reporting information.

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