Amanda Kooser

Amanda Kooser is a skilled journalist with a diverse background in covering various topics such as small business technology, gadgets, geek culture, public schools, weird foods and travel. She has been contributing to Forbes since her freelance journalism career began and has written about fascinating subjects related to space exploration and scientific discoveries. Her articles often discuss NASA's missions and findings on Mars, as well as issues with the Hubble Space Telescope. In addition, she occasionally covers other interesting topics such as arachnid fossils or unusual food items. With her extensive experience and expertise in journalism, Amanda is able to present information in an engaging and informative manner.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Some articles mention NASA's plans for human exploration of Mars, which could be seen as an indirect endorsement of the agency's mission.
  • The author tends to present information in a straightforward and factual manner without any apparent bias.

Conflicts of Interest



  • There are no clear examples of conflicts of interest in the articles provided.




  • Another contradiction is that Hubble entered safe mode due to a gyroscope issue, which is mentioned in two different articles.
  • Contradictions are mentioned in some articles, such as the debris and boulders within the channel may have come from high up on Mount Sharp according to NASA.




  • Some articles use sensationalist titles that may not accurately reflect the content.
  • The article 'Mushroom Growing on Live Frog Surprises Researchers' implies that a mushroom growing on a live frog is something new and unusual when in fact there have been previous observations of this phenomenon.

Recent Articles

Strongest Solar Flares in a Decade Trigger Auroras on Mars and Earth: Insights for Future Astronaut Missions

Strongest Solar Flares in a Decade Trigger Auroras on Mars and Earth: Insights for Future Astronaut Missions

Broke On: Monday, 20 May 2024 During May 2024's solar maximum, an X12 flare sent charged particles to Mars, triggering auroras and recording the largest radiation dose detected by NASA's Curiosity rover. This event provided valuable insights for future astronaut missions, revealing potential shelter options like cliffsides or lava tubes.
Hubble Space Telescope Enters Safe Mode: Third Gyroscope Fails, NASA Remains Optimistic

Hubble Space Telescope Enters Safe Mode: Third Gyroscope Fails, NASA Remains Optimistic

Broke On: Wednesday, 24 May 2023 The Hubble Space Telescope, a 30-year-old observatory delivering astronomical images, entered safe mode due to faulty gyroscope readings in May 2023. This is the third time this particular gyroscope has caused issues. NASA remains optimistic about Hubble's future and anticipates continued discoveries this decade. Gyroscopes are crucial for pointing accuracy; three remain functional out of eight that have failed.
NASA's Juno Spacecraft Reveals Reddest Moon Amalthea Transiting Jupiter's Great Red Spot

NASA's Juno Spacecraft Reveals Reddest Moon Amalthea Transiting Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Broke On: Tuesday, 14 May 2024 NASA's Juno spacecraft captures rare images of Amalthea, Jupiter's reddest and enigmatic moon, during its 59th close flyby, revealing details of its potato-like shape and mysterious red coating.
NASA Identifies and Fixes Issue with Voyager 1's Flight Data Subsystem, Spacecraft Continues Its Journey Through Interstellar Space

NASA Identifies and Fixes Issue with Voyager 1's Flight Data Subsystem, Spacecraft Continues Its Journey Through Interstellar Space

Broke On: Thursday, 18 April 2024 NASA's Voyager 1, the most distant human-made object in space and longest-operating spacecraft, resumed sending engineering updates after a five-month hiatus caused by a failed chip within its flight data subsystem. Engineers divided affected code into sections, adjusted each section to function correctly, and updated its location in FDS memory. They then sent the code responsible for packaging engineering data to a new location on April 18. A radio signal takes approximately 44 hours for round-trip communication between Earth and Voyager 1.
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Continues Data Collection at Valinor Hills After 1,000 Martian Days and 72 Flights

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Continues Data Collection at Valinor Hills After 1,000 Martian Days and 72 Flights

Broke On: Tuesday, 16 April 2024 NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, the first aircraft to fly on another planet, has surpassed expectations with over 1,000 Martian days on Mars and 72 flights. Despite communications with Perseverance rover ceasing, the helicopter continues collecting data at 'Valinor Hills', logging two hours of flight time and potentially holding up to 20 years' worth of daily data.
Mars' Watery Past Revealed in New Panorama from NASA's Curiosity Rover

Mars' Watery Past Revealed in New Panorama from NASA's Curiosity Rover

Broke On: Sunday, 31 March 2024 NASA's Curiosity Rover captures a watery past of Mars through the new panorama of Gediz Vallis, which may have been carved by an ancient river that once flowed on Mars.
Mushroom Grows on Frog in First Documented Case: A Naturalist's Discovery

Mushroom Grows on Frog in First Documented Case: A Naturalist's Discovery

Broke On: Tuesday, 13 February 2024 A Rao's intermediate golden-backed frog (Indosylvirana intermedia) with a small grey mushroom sprouting from its left flank was discovered in the foothills of the Kudremukha Ranges, India by hobbyist naturalists Chinmay Maliye and Lohit Y.T., marking the first documented case of a mushroom growing on a frog.
NASA Discovers Large Cluster of Sunspots Facing Earth, AR3576 Produces M-Class Flares and Could Pose Threat for X-Class Solar Flares

NASA Discovers Large Cluster of Sunspots Facing Earth, AR3576 Produces M-Class Flares and Could Pose Threat for X-Class Solar Flares

Broke On: Sunday, 11 February 2024 A massive sunspot, AR3576, has been detected by NASA and is facing Earth. It could produce X-class solar flares and CMEs that can affect satellites and electronic technology on Earth. The sunspot was first seen by Perseverance rover on Mars in January.

Missing Tomato on International Space Station Found After Eight Months

Broke On: Wednesday, 06 December 2023 A tomato that was part of the Veg-05 experiment went missing on the ISS for eight months. NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, who holds the record for the longest spaceflight by an American, was jokingly accused of eating the missing tomato. The missing tomato was found during a livestream event celebrating the 25th anniversary of the ISS.