Mike D.

Dan Campbell is an aggressive coach. He’s not afraid to make decisions no other coach would make — even when they don’t really make that much sense. We saw that happened on Saturday in a game the Lions absolutely needed to win against the Dallas Cowboys. Detroit scored. All the Lions needed was a field goal to tie the game and go into overtime. But Campbell wanted the win — he went for two. The Lions successfully converted on the first try but a blunder by the game officials not only reversed the conversion but also pushed Detroit back a few yards. Most would assume Campbell would just kick the field goal here and go into overtime. Nope. He tried again. Twice. And failed both times. That decision left everyone questioning Campbell, including Detroit radio host Jim Costa. Costa had Campbell on his show to talk about the decision and, well, let’s just say things got a bit tense. Costa clearly didn’t agree with Campbell’s decision there but wouldn’t just outright say it. Not until Campbell made him.Take a listen. Volume up. dan campbell is as real as it gets. pic.twitter.com/rVqowExcN6


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The article portrays Pat McAfee's show as an unchecked space where anything goes and no one gets held accountable.
  • The article presents Aaron Rodgers as a problem for ESPN when he has been the biggest draw for their platform.

Conflicts of Interest



  • , Aaron Rodgers can tell Mike Foss he doesn’t work for him and continue to come on an ESPN show? OK, cool. It seems to me that anybody who is a part of this show is given carte blanche.
  • Pat McAfee calls an ESPN executive a “rat” live on the air and nothing happens? Got it.




  • Aaron Rodgers and Pat McAfee have become a problem for ESPN
  • , Aaron Rodgers can tell Mike Foss he doesn’t work for him and continue to come on an ESPN show? OK, cool. It seems to me that anybody who is a part of this show is given carte blanche.
  • McAfee makes the big bucks and is treated differently because of his salary.
  • , Pat McAfee calls an ESPN executive a “rat” live on the air and nothing happens? Got it.
  • Pat McAfee draws in the audience ESPN covets. The viewership numbers are not that impressive, it only averaged 332,000 viewers through December.




  • It portrays Pat McAfee‗s show as an unchecked space where anything goes and no one gets held accountable.
  • The article presents Aaron Rodgers as a problem for ESPN when he has been the biggest draw for their platform.

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