Aruni Soni

Aruni Soni is a financial journalist and editor who has covered the stock market for over a decade. She has worked for various publications including Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, and CNBC. She specializes in writing about trends, strategies, and investing ideas.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The article relies on vague statements like "a rubber band poised to snap" without providing any evidence or data to support it.
  • The article uses hype and exaggeration to promote the idea that US stocks are overvalued and will face a correction.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest that RBA may have with its clients or other investors.
  • The article is clearly biased in favor of RBA analysts and their views on US stocks.




  • The article contradicts itself by claiming that US stocks have felt the love from investors this year while also saying they are undervalued and will face a correction.
  • The article ignores the fact that tech stocks have been leading the market rally for most of 2021, not just since November.




  • The article does not provide any evidence or data to support its claims that other markets are undervalued or that investor sentiment will normalize.
  • The article uses misleading language like "glut" and "hype" to create a sense of urgency and fear around the US stock market.

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