Davey Winder

Davey Winder is a technology journalist and author who covers cybersecurity, privacy, and tech trends. With over 800k views on his articles in the past year alone, he has established himself as an authority on these topics. He writes for Forbes and other publications where he provides insights into the latest developments in technology and security.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • Gmail, with an estimated 1.2 billion users
  • Google has just upgraded your security protection
  • Google is introducing new password protections on Chrome for iOS as another way to help you safely navigate the web.
  • Undisputed king of email

Conflicts of Interest



  • Google is adding two more functions to Password Checkup: an alert for weak passwords and another for reused ones.
  • Google Safe Browsing server returns hashes that match its database of unsafe site hashes and shows a warning to the Chrome user if necessary.
  • The improvements come by way of an update to Password Checkup
  • The new feature will help block 25 percent more phishing attempts.




  • Google has initiated new security measures for Gmail users globally
  • The article mentions new security rules being enforced on April 1st but does not provide any details about what these rules are or how they will affect users. This could be seen as deceptive because it implies that there is some sort of important change happening related to Gmail's security, when in fact no specific information is provided.
  • The author quotes Sergey Brin from a press release about Gmail's launch in 2004 but does not provide any context for this quote or explain why it is relevant to the current topic. This could be seen as deceptive because it implies that there is some sort of connection between Gmail's past and its present, when in fact the two are unrelated.
  • The title mentions Gmail's birthday and celebrations but does not provide any context or information about what this means for users. This could be seen as misleading because it implies that there will be some sort of special event or promotion related to Gmail's 20th anniversary, when in fact there is no mention of such an event in the body of the article.




  • The author claims that Apple and Google are competitors when it comes to most things but thankfully they share an interest in securing data for their respective users. However, this is not true as Apple has its own security measures in place such as Face ID and Touch ID which compete with Google's biometric authentication system called Titan M.
  • The author states that Password Checkup will display an alert in Chrome whenever it detects a problem with any passwords entered but fails to mention that this feature can also be used independently.
  • The title implies that Google has upgraded password security for iPhone users when in fact it only added two new features to an existing feature called Password Checkup.

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