Manahil Ahmad

Manahil Ahmad is a journalist primarily covering crime and legal affairs in New Jersey. With a background in law, Manahil brings a unique perspective to her reporting, often highlighting the intricacies of legal processes and their impact on communities. She has closely followed cases involving government officials and law enforcement personnel, uncovering instances of misconduct and prompting public discussions on accountability and transparency. Her articles often delve into the complexities of the criminal justice system, shedding light on issues such as police reform, prison conditions, and civil rights. In addition to her work in journalism, Manahil is an active member of the New Jersey Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author appears to have a neutral reporting style without any clear signs of personal or organizational bias.

Conflicts of Interest



  • No conflicts of interest were identified in the article.




  • The article cites NOAA forecasts as the primary source for predicting the visibility of the northern lights in New Jersey, but these forecasts are not always accurate due to the unpredictable nature of solar weather.




  • The author provides accurate information about the visibility of the northern lights but encourages readers to monitor NOAA's Space Prediction Center for updates, which may lead some readers to believe that predicting these events is more reliable than it actually is.

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Solar Maximum: Increased Sun Activity Brings Auroras and Risks to Earth

Solar Maximum: Increased Sun Activity Brings Auroras and Risks to Earth

Broke On: Tuesday, 04 June 2024 During solar maximum, the sun's heightened activity results in increased particle outbursts that create auroras and pose risks to infrastructure. Recent displays have been visible at lower latitudes than usual, with the May 2021 storm causing auroras in Florida and India. While these phenomena offer insights into a planet's magnetic field, they can also impact GPS accuracy, satellite internet speed, power grids, and satellites.