Patrice Wendling

Patrice Wendling is a journalist who covers health and medicine news. She has a particular interest in reporting on the latest research and developments in physical activity, exercise, and their impact on health outcomes. Wendling's work often explores the nuances of scientific studies to provide readers with a clear understanding of the implications for public health. In addition to her reporting, Wendling is an active member of the American Heart Association and frequently contributes to its publications and conferences.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




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Conflicts of Interest



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  • Our panel of proteins is also more dynamic and involves the pathophysiology.
  • The model was able to identify 100% of the patients with PD based on the expression of the eight proteins and predict with 79% accuracy which patients with iREM would convert to PD up to 7 years before the onset of motor symptoms.
  • This is a big step because for the first time we are working with peripheral fluids and have a test that can predict something in an objective way.

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New Blood Test Predicts Parkinson's Disease Seven Years Before Symptoms Appear: A Game Changer in Early Detection

New Blood Test Predicts Parkinson's Disease Seven Years Before Symptoms Appear: A Game Changer in Early Detection

Broke On: Wednesday, 19 June 2024 A new blood test using artificial intelligence identifies eight biomarkers to predict Parkinson's disease up to seven years before symptoms appear, potentially revolutionizing diagnosis and treatment of this neurodegenerative disorder.