Simple Flying

Simple Flying is a leading independent news source for aviation industry updates and insights. The publication covers commercial, military, and private aviation sectors, providing comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in airline and manufacturer news as well as historical milestones. Simple Flying has experienced significant growth since being acquired by Valnet Inc. in 2021, now boasting over 14 million monthly pageviews. The publication's global team of journalists, editors, and aviation experts provides around-the-clock coverage, making it a hub for aviation enthusiasts and professionals alike.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The articles provided do not contain any clear examples of bias.

Conflicts of Interest



  • There are no clear examples of conflict of interest in the articles provided.




  • However, these contradictions do not significantly impact the overall accuracy of the information presented.
  • There are minor contradictions in the articles provided, such as information about United Airlines' financial results and basic economy ticket revenue.




  • The articles provided do not contain any major examples of deception or misleading information.

Recent Articles

  • American Airlines under Fire for Three Alleged Cases of Racial Discrimination: CEO Addresses Concerns and Promises Action

    American Airlines under Fire for Three Alleged Cases of Racial Discrimination: CEO Addresses Concerns and Promises Action

    Broke On: Friday, 05 January 2024 American Airlines faces allegations of racial discrimination after three separate incidents involving the removal of Black passengers due to complaints about body odor. CEO Robert Isom has promised action and addressed concerns with civil rights groups, acknowledging shortcomings and starting investigations into procedures and policies.
  • New FAA Rest Requirements for Air Traffic Controllers: 10 Hours Off Between Shifts and 12 Hours Before Midnight Shift

    New FAA Rest Requirements for Air Traffic Controllers: 10 Hours Off Between Shifts and 12 Hours Before Midnight Shift

    Broke On: Friday, 19 April 2024 The FAA implements new rest requirements for air traffic controllers, mandating a minimum of 10 hours off between shifts and 12 hours off before midnight shifts, in response to concerns over fatigue and safety issues. The changes aim to address risks associated with controller fatigue and reverse decades-long staff shortages. Hiring 1,800 new controllers this year is part of the FAA's efforts to improve working conditions and prioritize controller safety.
  • Boeing Under Investigation: Whistleblower Raises Concerns Over Structural Integrity of 787 and 777 Aircraft

    Boeing Under Investigation: Whistleblower Raises Concerns Over Structural Integrity of 787 and 777 Aircraft

    Broke On: Monday, 15 April 2024 A whistleblower has raised concerns about the structural integrity of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner and 777 aircraft, claiming that the assembly process puts excessive stress on airplane joints. The FAA is investigating these allegations, which come at a time when Boeing is already under scrutiny for a door plug incident on a 737 Max plane. Boeing has denied the allegations and said its planes have long service lives, but the CEO has been invited to testify at a Senate hearing on April 17.
  • United Airlines Reports Strong Financial Performance in Q4 2023 with Increased Capacity and Revenue Growth Driven by Premium Cabins and Basic Economy

    United Airlines Reports Strong Financial Performance in Q4 2023 with Increased Capacity and Revenue Growth Driven by Premium Cabins and Basic Economy

    Broke On: Wednesday, 31 January 2024 United Airlines reported a strong financial performance in the fourth quarter of 2023, with increased capacity and revenue growth driven by premium cabins and Basic Economy. The airline carried 165 million passengers at a load factor of 86.4%, making it the world's largest airline by available seat miles in 2023.