Tech Explorist

Tech Explorist is a news site that covers various technological advancements, scientific discoveries, and research. The site focuses on topics such as Earth and space technologies, health discoveries, and sensitive issues. While the site does not have an extensive history of biases or contradictions, there are some conflicts of interest found in their articles related to financial hardships and legal issues. Additionally, there are instances of deceptive practices in terms of inconsistencies within certain articles. The site is generally easy to read and provides a wide range of topics for readers interested in technology and its impact on our lives.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The biases found in the articles include financial hardships, legal issues, parental unemployment, physical abuse, parental drug addiction for childhood adversities; losing a spouse or kid, going through natural catastrophes, fighting seeing substance abuse in a relationship being physically attacked having family members get sick getting government help and being unemployed for adult adversities., repeating school.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The conflicts of interest found in the articles include financial hardships, legal issues, parental unemployment, physical abuse, parental drug addiction for childhood adversities; losing a spouse or kid, going through natural catastrophes, fighting seeing substance abuse in a relationship being physically attacked having family members get sick getting government help and being unemployed for adult adversities., repeating school.




  • There are no contradictions found in the articles.




  • The deceptions found in the articles include inconsistencies between the electron-capture supernova theory and observations of the Crab Nebula, and describing adversity's impact on mental health and cognition without providing specific details on how these impacts occur.

Recent Articles

  • New Insights from JWST Reveal the Crab Nebula as a Complex Core-collapse Supernova

    New Insights from JWST Reveal the Crab Nebula as a Complex Core-collapse Supernova

    Broke On: Tuesday, 18 June 2024 New data from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope reveals the Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant in Taurus, is a core-collapse supernova with complex structures and intriguing chemical composition. The pulsar powers an outflowing wind interacting with gas and dust, creating complex structures. JWST discovered nickel and iron emission lines in the inner filaments, suggesting a low-mass star could have been the progenitor.
  • Deep-sea Anglerfish's Unique Reproductive Strategy: Sexual Parasitism and Adaptation to the Deep Sea

    Deep-sea Anglerfish's Unique Reproductive Strategy: Sexual Parasitism and Adaptation to the Deep Sea

    Broke On: Thursday, 23 May 2024 Deep-sea anglerfish, known for their unique reproductive method of sexual parasitism, have transitioned from shallow waters to the deep sea due to evolutionary adaptations during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Yale University researchers analyzed fossil evidence and genome-scale DNA sequence data from over 100 species of anglerfish, revealing that this reproductive strategy facilitated their successful reproduction in vast deep-sea ecosystems.
  • Childhood Adversity Linked to Psychiatric and Cognitive Decline, Study Finds

    Childhood Adversity Linked to Psychiatric and Cognitive Decline, Study Finds

    Broke On: Thursday, 07 March 2024 A study by Dr. SangNam Ahn from Saint Louis University found that childhood adversity is linked to later psychiatric and cognitive decline, while adult adversities are associated with both psychiatric disorders and cognitive deterioration. The research also revealed the protective role of education in mitigating the negative impacts of childhood adversity on mental health outcomes.