Irish Star

Irish Star is an online news platform that covers stories related to Irish America. It aims to bridge the gap between Ireland and the United States by providing news from both countries. The website has a team of reporters in the US and Ireland who focus on stories that matter to Irish people living in America as well as ex-pats who want to stay updated with news from home. The site's content is not behind a paywall, but it encourages readers to whitelist Irish Star if they are using an ad-blocker. The platform also has a diverse team and follows an equal opportunities policy.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The articles in Irish Star often use sensationalist language to depict situations in an extreme manner.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article quotes Texas A&M professor Matthew Lee Smith as saying that the increase in STD rates among older Americans could be due to a lack of sex education among the impacted generation without providing any evidence or research to support this claim.




  • In one article, the author contradicts themselves by stating that adults over 55 are contracting certain STDs at a much higher rate than they were just 10 years ago without providing any context or comparison to previous decades.




  • The articles sometimes imply that certain situations are more severe than they actually are by using extreme language and misleading statistics.

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