
Nokia is a technology innovation leader in networking, connecting people, machines and devices to realize the potential of digital in every industry. The company focuses on pioneering the next evolution of networking where networks meet cloud and building a more sustainable, productive, and accessible world through digital. Nokia has 10 Nobel Prizes for ground-breaking inventions, over 6000 patent families declared as essential to 5G, and operates in around 130 countries. The company also invests heavily in research and development, with approximately €150 billion invested since 2000.


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    Nokia Makes History with First Immersive Voice and Audio Call using IVAS Technology

    Broke On: Monday, 10 June 2024 Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark and Finland's Ambassador of Digitalization and New Technologies Stefan Lindström made the world's first immersive voice and audio call using Nokia's new IVAS codec, marking a significant leap forward in live voice calling experience. The IVAS codec allows for real-time 3D spatial sound instead of monophonic smartphone calls and is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard. This innovation paves the way for enhanced extended reality and metaverse applications beyond smartphones.