Growing Dissent in Gaza: Hamas Faces Public Criticism and Chaos Amidst Weakened Control

Gaza, Gaza Strip Palestine, State of
Crime gangs emerging in Gaza, looting neighborhoods and aid convoys
Hamas faces growing public dissent in Gaza
Private security companies filling void left by Hamas' weakened control
Public criticism of Hamas present on streets and social media
Residents publicly criticizing Hamas leadership with increasing frequency and intensity
Growing Dissent in Gaza: Hamas Faces Public Criticism and Chaos Amidst Weakened Control

In recent times, Hamas has faced growing public dissent as the Gaza war erodes support for the organization. Residents in Gaza are publicly criticizing Hamas leadership with increasing frequency and intensity, with swearing and cursing against Hamas becoming commonplace in the markets of Gaza. Some residents have even nicknamed their donkeys after Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas.

As Hamas' control wanes, crime gangs have emerged in Gaza, looting entire neighborhoods and aid convoys. In response to this chaos, private security companies have emerged to fill the void left by Hamas' weakened control.

The public criticism of Hamas from Gaza residents is not only present on the streets but also on social media. The BBC spoke with residents who said that swearing and cursing against the Hamas leadership is now common in markets.

During Israeli strikes outside the Nuseirat hospital during an IDF operation to rescue hostages, a bloodied resident said,



  • How widespread is this phenomenon among Gaza residents?
  • Is there any evidence that the swearing and cursing against Hamas is more frequent or intense than before?
  • What percentage of private security companies are affiliated with political groups or militias?



  • Unique Points
    • The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face.
  • Accuracy
    • ]The upcoming quarterly refunding update from the US Treasury will provide information on how much bond supply there will be.[
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains emotional manipulation through the use of graphic images and quotes from anguished Palestinians expressing their frustration with Hamas. The author also uses selective reporting by focusing on the growing dissent against Hamas without mentioning any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. Additionally, there is a lack of disclosure regarding sources for some statements in the article.
    • Some aid agencies - in both northern and south areas of Gaza - have also reported regular checks on their activities by local Hamas officials.
    • People say things like, ‘Hamas has destroyed us’ or even call on God to take their lives.
    • The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face.
    • One senior Hamas government employee told the BBC that the Hamas attacks were ‘a crazy, uncalculated leap’.
  • Fallacies (85%)
    The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric used by the interviewee in the video, who is expressing his frustration and anger towards Hamas leadership. This constitutes an appeal to emotion fallacy. Additionally, there are several instances of dichotomous depiction where the author portrays Hamas as having completely lost support among Gazans versus those outside Gaza who continue to support them. This oversimplification of complex situations can be misleading and is a form of false dilemma fallacy.
    • The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face...They are scum!
    • People say things like, ‘Hamas has destroyed us’ or even call on God to take their lives.
    • There was opposition to Hamas long before the war, though much of it remained hidden for fear of reprisals.
    • What is clear is that Hamas remains very sensitive to public opinion...After Israeli families released a video showing the moment female soldiers were kidnapped by Hamas units on 7 October, some in Gaza questioned whether targeting women during war was in line with Islamic teaching...In response, several pro-Hamas social media accounts put out similar messages insisting that soldiers - male or female - were justified military targets...
  • Bias (80%)
    The authors provide direct quotes from Palestinians expressing their dissatisfaction and anger towards Hamas leadership. The language used by the quoted individuals is highly critical of Hamas, with some calling them 'scum' and 'filthy'. This demonstrates a clear bias against Hamas.
    • An injured man in Gaza denounced the Hamas leadership's actions in a video shared on social media last month
      • The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face. “I am an academic doctor,” he says, “I had a good life, but we have a filthy [Hamas] leadership. They got used to our bloodshed, may God curse them! They are scum!”
      • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication
      • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
        None Found At Time Of Publication


      • Unique Points
        • Hamas has committed numerous atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza, which are often ignored by media and human rights organizations.
        • Many Gazans have spoken out against Hamas’ brutality towards its own people, but their concerns are not reported in the media.
        • Hamas has imprisoned over 1,300 protestors and tortured some of them for participating in peaceful protests against the regime.
        • Ahmad Breka, a 13-year-old Gazan boy, was shot in the head by Hamas while attempting to collect humanitarian aid.
        • Hundreds of Gazans have been killed by Hamas’ failing rockets during the current war.
        • Hamas has confiscated food, fuel, and medicine sent to Gaza and has not allowed civilians to distribute it.
        • Many Gazans have demonstrated against Hamas during the war but received a violent response from the regime.
        • Members of Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ armed wing, have been seen marching in commemoration of senior commanders killed during conflicts.
        • Attempting to deliver humanitarian aid or speaking out against Hamas can result in death sentences from the regime.
        • Hamas has beheaded leaders of major tribes and dissidents who criticized the regime during the war.
        • Fatah members have been placed under house arrest by Hamas for ‘security reasons’
      • Accuracy
        • The upcoming quarterly refunding update from the US Treasury will provide information on how much bond supply there will be.
        • The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face.
      • Deception (0%)
        The author makes several statements that are emotionally manipulative and sensational. The author accuses the media of ignoring Hamas' crimes against Palestinians while reporting on Israeli actions. However, the author fails to provide any evidence that the media is intentionally ignoring Hamas' crimes or presenting a misleading narrative about the conflict. Instead, they make assumptions and use emotional language to manipulate readers into believing this is the case. The author also selectively reports information by focusing only on Hamas' actions against Palestinians and ignoring their actions against Israelis, as well as their own human rights abuses. Additionally, the author implies that Hamas is a legitimate resistance group trying to 'liberate' Palestinians, which is a political opinion not based on fact. The author also makes several statements about the media without providing any evidence or sources to support their claims.
        • Members of Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement, march in Gaza City on May 22, 2021...
        • A couple of months ago, they beheaded the head of a clan leader in the north of Gaza and issued a statement on social media: ‘We murdered him, and we will do so to anyone who stands against us and cooperates with Israel.’...
        • These inhumane acts, along with the agony that Gazans have undergone since October, prompted many to demonstrate anew during this war. They demonstrated in Khan-Younis in front of Yahya Sinwar’s house; others protested in the north, asking that Hamas free the captives and cease the war...
        • That’s what happened to the Abu-Amro tribe leader, along with two members of his tribe who were killed by Hamas militants a few days ago...
        • So I know firsthand that when ordinary Gazans like myself protested against Hamas, there was no media attention...
        • In addition to this, many of Fatah members were placed under house arrest by Hamas ‘for security reasons,’ and anyone who left his home was kidnapped. That’s what happened with the Gazan Yossef Shahein...
        • Yet somehow, despite the fact that Hamas has effectively kidnapped the Gaza strip and all its inhabitants and routinely terrorizes them, these crimes are never reported by Arabic media or western media, nor by global human rights organizations...
        • But somehow, when it comes to Hamas’ crimes against innocent Israelis and innocent Gazans, the entire media establishment turns a blind eye...
        • We Gazans attempted several times to remove Hamas from power. In 2019 and in 2023, the people of Gaza held peaceful marches against Hamas; for this crime, we were brutally assaulted by Hamas militants...
      • Fallacies (85%)
        The author makes several appeals to emotion and uses inflammatory rhetoric throughout the article. He also makes a dichotomous depiction of Hamas as a legitimate resistance group and Israel as an oppressor. However, there are no explicit logical fallacies in the text.
        • ][The sad truth is, when Israelis aren't involved, no one is interested in advocating for the Palestinian rights they claim to care about so deeply.][/
        • Why? If their heart bleeds for Gaza, why are they not outraged at all of the violence that Gazans face–including the violence of Hamas?
        • This biased journalism has horrific repercussions. It was the reason for Hamas’ success in silencing opposition in Gaza, and it is inflaming global mobs who swallow Hamas’ propaganda and go to the streets raising the Hamas flag, wearing masks and chanting for terrorists, deceptively depicting all Gazans as Hamas members who wish to continue living under its authoritarian rule.
      • Bias (15%)
        The author demonstrates a clear bias against Hamas by repeatedly describing their crimes against Palestinians as being ignored by the media and human rights organizations. The author also personally experienced persecution from Hamas for protesting against them and criticizing their actions. The article contains multiple examples of Hamas' violence towards civilians, including the killing of innocent Gazans and the confiscation of humanitarian aid.
        • 13-year-old Ahmad Breka was shot in the head by Hamas in Rafah while attempting to collect humanitarian aid
          • Hundreds of Gazans have been killed by Hamas’ failing rockets. Hamas has confiscated the food, fuel, and medicine sent to Gaza
            • In addition to this, many of Fatah members were placed under house arrest by Hamas ‘for security reasons’, and anyone who left his home was kidnapped. That’s what happened with the Gazan Yossef Shahein
              • Members of Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement, march in Gaza City on May 22, 2021
                • That’s what happened to the Abu-Amro tribe leader, along with two members of his tribe who were killed by Hamas militants a few days ago
                  • Yet somehow, despite the fact that Hamas has effectively kidnapped the Gaza strip and all its inhabitants and routinely terrorizes them, these crimes are never reported by Arabic media or western media, nor by global human rights organizations
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • Residents in Gaza are publicly criticizing Hamas leadership with increasing frequency and intensity.
                    • Swearing and cursing against Hamas is common in the markets of Gaza.
                    • Some residents have nicknamed their donkeys after Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.
                    • Crime gangs have emerged as Hamas’ control wanes, looting entire neighborhoods and aid convoys.
                    • Private security companies have emerged to fill the void left by Hamas’ weakened control.
                  • Accuracy
                    • Despair and war have eroded social structures in Gaza, leading to a breakdown in law and order.
                  • Deception (70%)
                    The article contains quotes from Gaza residents criticizing Hamas and expressing their discontent. However, the author also includes statements from some individuals who remain loyal to Hamas. The author does not editorialize or add their own opinions on the matter, but they do provide context about the situation in Gaza and Hamas' past actions that may influence readers' perceptions. There is no clear attempt at emotional manipulation or sensationalism in the article, and it does disclose sources through quotes from residents and references to a BBC report. However, there are instances of selective reporting as the article focuses on criticism of Hamas rather than any potential support or positive aspects.
                    • Some are even urging their leaders to agree to a cease-fire with Israel.
                    • A man said, ‘They ask what the 7 October attacks were for - some say they were a gift to Israel.’
                    • One senior Hamas government employee also criticized the attacks on Israel as ‘a crazy, uncalculated leap.’
                  • Fallacies (85%)
                    The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric and appeals to emotion. The author quotes multiple residents criticizing Hamas, some using strong language such as 'scum' and 'filthy leadership'. These statements are emotional in nature and do not provide any logical reasoning for why Hamas is a bad leader. Additionally, the author describes the situation in Gaza as 'absolute chaos at street level' and a 'state of anarchy', which is also an emotional appeal to the reader. The article also contains several quotes from residents urging their leaders to agree to a cease-fire with Israel, which could be seen as an appeal to authority. However, no formal logical fallacies were identified in the article.
                    • ]People say things like, ['Hamas has destroyed us'] or even call on God to take their lives[']
                  • Bias (80%)
                    The article reports on growing criticism of Hamas from residents in Gaza, with quotes from several individuals expressing their discontent and frustration with the organization's leadership. The author does not make any assertions beyond what is stated in the quotes, but the repeated use of negative language towards Hamas and its leaders implies a biased perspective.
                    • A bloodied resident said, ‘I am an academic doctor. I had a good life, but we have a filthy [Hamas] leadership. They got used to our bloodshed, may God curse them! They are scum!’
                      • One senior Hamas government employee also criticized the attacks on Israel as ‘a crazy, uncalculated leap.’
                        • People say things like, ‘Hamas has destroyed us.’ or even call on God to take their lives.’
                          • Some publicly criticized the organization for hiding hostages near busy markets or launching rockets from civilian areas.
                            • There was opposition to Hamas within the Gaza Strip even before the war, though much of it remained hidden for fear of retaliation from the terrorist organization.
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication


                            • Unique Points
                              • Residents in Gaza are publicly criticizing Hamas leadership with increasing frequency and intensity.
                              • Swearing and cursing against Hamas is common in the markets of Gaza.
                              • Some residents have nicknamed their donkeys after Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.
                            • Accuracy
                              • ]The upcoming quarterly refunding update from the US Treasury will provide information on how much bond supply there will be.[
                              • The man in the video is beside himself, a mask of anguish radiating through his bloodied face.
                            • Deception (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Fallacies (85%)
                              The article contains several instances of inflammatory rhetoric used by individuals quoted in the article, which can be considered a form of informal fallacy. The quotes from the man outside the hospital and residents' comments about Hamas are examples of this. However, it is important to note that these are not assertions made by the author, but rather statements made by individuals being reported on. Therefore, while these statements may contribute to a negative perception of Hamas, they do not constitute logical fallacies on the part of the author.
                              • ]A man says 'They got used to our bloodshed, may God curse them! They are scum!'[
                              • ']One man said 'People say things like, “Hamas has destroyed us” or even call on God to take their lives.”’[
                              • ']Another man says 'We could have avoided this attack!'[
                            • Bias (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication
                            • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                              None Found At Time Of Publication