Unknown Ynet

Unknown Ynet is a news reporter who covers events in the Middle East with a focus on Israel and Gaza. Their articles often discuss topics such as political tensions, conflicts between Israel and Hamas, and the experiences of civilians living in war-torn areas. The author has also reported on issues related to the Druze community's relationship with Jews and instances of anti-Semitic attacks on businesses owned by Druze individuals. In addition to their journalistic work, Unknown Ynet maintains a presence on social media platforms where they share updates about their articles and engage with readers.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • According to the report, Hamas hides terrorists, tunnel shafts and ammunition depots in residential buildings, medical facilities, UN offices and mosques
  • Hamas terrorists wear civilian clothes before firing at IDF soldiers or launching rockets from civilian areas
  • They also booby-trap abandoned houses with explosives and lure soldiers into these buildings by leaving signs indicating the presence of belligerents

Conflicts of Interest



  • Gabriela Leimberg was subjected to a series of violent events, including being beaten and dragged into Gaza, forced to perform sexual acts under threat of a gun, and locked alone with her ankle chained.
  • Luis Har and Fernando Marman were treated like dogs by Hamas terrorists during their captivity.




  • Despair and war have eroded social structures in Gaza, leading to a breakdown in law and order.




  • The article uses selective reporting by only mentioning the rescue and ignoring other important details such as how long Har was held captive or what he experienced during his time in Gaza.
  • The author exaggerates the situation for the hostages by saying 'terrorists treated us like dogs' which is not supported by any evidence.
  • The author quotes Har saying that he felt his grandchildren hugging him in his dreams, but does not provide any proof to support this claim.

Recent Articles

Hamas' Guerrilla Warfare Tactics and Exploitation of Civilian Institutions in the Conflict in Gaza

Hamas' Guerrilla Warfare Tactics and Exploitation of Civilian Institutions in the Conflict in Gaza

Broke On: Thursday, 11 July 2024 Hamas uses guerrilla warfare tactics, hiding fighters and weapons in civilian areas and infrastructure, blurring the line between combatants and civilians during the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Thousands of Hamas fighters remain active, continuing to resist Israeli forces with these methods despite heavy casualties. Israel works to limit Hamas' capabilities while upholding international law, providing humanitarian aid and neutralizing hidden weapons.
Growing Dissent in Gaza: Hamas Faces Public Criticism and Chaos Amidst Weakened Control

Growing Dissent in Gaza: Hamas Faces Public Criticism and Chaos Amidst Weakened Control

Broke On: Sunday, 30 June 2024 Gaza residents publicly criticize Hamas leadership with increasing frequency and intensity, resulting in swearing and cursing in markets. Crime gangs have emerged, leading to the rise of private security companies as Hamas' control wanes. Social media also reflects this dissent.
Israeli Rescue Mission Saves Two Hostages in Gaza, Leaving Several Dead and One Survivor Shares Her Story

Israeli Rescue Mission Saves Two Hostages in Gaza, Leaving Several Dead and One Survivor Shares Her Story

Broke On: Thursday, 28 March 2024 On March 28, 2024, the Israeli government successfully rescued two hostages from Gaza. The rescue mission involved a daring IDF operation and resulted in the death of several hostages. One of the released hostages shared her harrowing experience with Yedioth Ahronoth.