Joshua Hawkins

Joshua Hawkins is a journalist who has written for BGR and other publications. He covers topics such as science and technology.


The Daily's Verdict

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Recent Articles

iOS 18 Update: Revolutionizing Messages with RCS Texting, Send Later, and Satellite Communication

iOS 18 Update: Revolutionizing Messages with RCS Texting, Send Later, and Satellite Communication

Broke On: Sunday, 16 June 2024 Apple's iOS 18 update introduces RCS texting support for enhanced photo sharing and group chats between iPhones and Android devices, as well as a new 'Send Later' feature to schedule messages. iPhone 14 users can also send iMessages using satellite communication when there's no cell reception or Wi-Fi.
Ray Kurzweil's Predictions for AI: Transforming Energy, Manufacturing, and Medicine

Ray Kurzweil's Predictions for AI: Transforming Energy, Manufacturing, and Medicine

Broke On: Monday, 17 June 2024 Renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil predicts AI will soon revolutionize the physical world, focusing on energy, manufacturing, and medicine. He envisions nanorobots extending human life by curing aging.
Revolutionizing Energy: Scientists Develop Carbon-Negative Algae Power Cells

Revolutionizing Energy: Scientists Develop Carbon-Negative Algae Power Cells

Broke On: Wednesday, 12 June 2024 Scientists have developed a carbon-negative electricity source using algae, harnessing the power of photosynthesis to generate electrons for electricity production. This renewable energy innovation offers several advantages over traditional sources and has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
GPT-4 Passes Turing Test: A New Milestone in AI's Journey Towards Human-Like Intelligence

GPT-4 Passes Turing Test: A New Milestone in AI's Journey Towards Human-Like Intelligence

Broke On: Wednesday, 12 June 2024 OpenAI's language model, GPT-4, passed the Turing test with human participants mistaking it for another person 54% of the time during conversational tasks. This achievement highlights GPT-4's impressive theory of mind capabilities and understanding of human social interactions.
NASA Veteran Claims Discovery of New Force for Propellant-Free Space Travel

NASA Veteran Claims Discovery of New Force for Propellant-Free Space Travel

Broke On: Tuesday, 23 April 2024 NASA veteran Charles Buhler claims to have discovered a new force of nature that could revolutionize space travel with propellant-free propulsion systems. Exodus Propulsion Technologies presented their findings at APEC, explaining the system uses electrostatics to harness this force, generating 10 milliNewtons of thrust without expelling mass. Skepticism surrounds Buhler's claims due to potential energy law violations, but further research is needed.
Microsoft Resumes Pushing Bing as Default Search Engine in Google Chrome on Windows 10 and 11 with Pop-ups

Microsoft Resumes Pushing Bing as Default Search Engine in Google Chrome on Windows 10 and 11 with Pop-ups

Broke On: Saturday, 16 March 2024 Microsoft is resuming its efforts to push Bing as the default search engine for Google Chrome users on Windows 10 and 11 by introducing pop-ups that look like malware but are not. If you click 'Yes', Microsoft will set Bing as your default search engine.
Two Solar Storms Set to Cause Radio Blackouts on Earth: What You Need to Know

Two Solar Storms Set to Cause Radio Blackouts on Earth: What You Need to Know

Broke On: Wednesday, 31 January 2024 Two solar storms with a high chance of causing radio blackouts are set to hit Earth on January 23. The first one occurred on Sunday and the second is expected today. NOAA'S Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) predicts a 75% chance of M-class flares, which can cause auroras or northern lights when energy from the solar storm interacts with Earth's atmosphere.
NASA's VIPER Rover to Explore Uncharted Territory on the Moon, Establishing a Sustainable Human Presence

NASA's VIPER Rover to Explore Uncharted Territory on the Moon, Establishing a Sustainable Human Presence

Broke On: Wednesday, 31 January 2024
    NASA's Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the moon through its VIPER rover, which will explore uncharted areas of the Moon. This mission is risky but could lead to long-term operations on the moon.

    Google's AI-assisted NotebookLM Now Available in the US

    Broke On: Friday, 08 December 2023 Google's AI-assisted note-taking app, NotebookLM, is now available to all users in the United States. The app uses Google's new large language model, Gemini Pro, to assist with document understanding and reasoning. NotebookLM is expanding its limitations, allowing up to 20 sources and 200,000 words per source. The app prioritizes security and privacy by not using personal data to train its model. The app is part of Google's Experimental Labs incubator and leverages the capabilities of LLMs and Gemini, Google's GPT-4 competitor.

    Volcanic Activity May Have Set Stage for Dinosaur Extinction, New Research Suggests

    Broke On: Tuesday, 28 November 2023 The Deccan Traps, a large volcanic region in West India, had been erupting for roughly 300,000 years before the Chicxulub asteroid, releasing significant amounts of carbon dioxide and sulfur into the atmosphere. New research suggests that the outpouring of climate-altering gases from the Deccan Traps alone could have been sufficient to trigger the global extinction of dinosaurs.