Chron is a news platform covering essential news and compelling feature stories about Houston. The site focuses on topics such as culture, food, sports, politics, and news. It features articles on local celebrities, interesting people and places in the city's culinary scene (and tacos), coverage of Houston's professional athletes both on and off the field as well as college and high school teams. The site also provides information about local and state officials who make headlines. Chron is owned by Hearst and run independently from
The Daily's Verdict
This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.
- far-right challenger
- MAGA devotees
- painted Phelan as a party traitor, a flaccid moderate, and even a secret Democrat.
- relatively moderate establishment
Conflicts of Interest
- Such pettiness is uncommon in the animal kingdom but not unheard of in the political realm, proven by the contentious runoff primary between much-maligned Republican Texas House speaker Rep. Dade Phelan and his far-right challenger David Covey.
- The Covey campaign has lied with its words, it has lied through doctored videos, and now it is lying with a Deep Fake photograph designed to trick voters into thinking that I am best friends with Nancy Pelosi.
- Ten states passed or expanded school-choice laws in 2023 alone.
- Texas is just one state where the groups are getting involved.
- The enormous amount of money pouring into Texas Republican primaries from national pro-school-choice groups sets a new precedent as national interests become increasingly intertwined in state legislatures.
- Dade Phelan boasts any progress in the Texas House as his accomplishment, when in fact, all progress on border security has been made in spite of him.
- The maxim can also serve as a warning: several now-disputed reports claim that a herd of elephants returned to trample a woman’s corpse the same day she died by elephant stomping, implying the attacks were born of personal animus.